First, the birth of a new international program of earth science research is called the frontier of earth science research in the 1980s. The ten-year-long international multidisciplinary research project “The Outline of Lithosphere Dynamics and Evolution, Earth Resources and Disaster Mitigation” More than three years of deliberation, discussion and organization in the late decade of the tenth century have been put into operation in 1980 and the gratifying results have been achieved over the past three years and beyond. The plan is to increase the awareness of the world over the future of mineral resources and Energy, natural disasters and sound management of the environment, as well as the important concept of earth science is emerging the moment of rejuvenation, according to the International Geodesy and Geophysical Union (IUGG) and the International Geological Science Association (IUGS) co-sponsored by the International Established by the Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), is a continuation of the scientific achievements of the International Geophysical Year fifties, the International Mantle Project of the 1960s and the International Geodynamics Initiative of the Seventies and the international multidisciplinary cooperation.