Toxicity and antifeedant activity of essential oils from three aromatic plants grown in Colombia aga

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuleweiyuan
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Objective:To determine the biological effects of essential oils(EOs) isolated from Cymbopogon iiardus,Cymbopogon Jlexuosus and Cvrnbopogon marlinii grown in Colombia against two Lepidoptera larvae,common pests in the oil palm.Methods:Specimens were captured in the field and the antifeedant activity and dermal contact lethality of EOs were measured against Acharia fusca and Euprosterna elaeasa(Lepidoptera:I.imacodidae) at various concentrations 0.002-0.600 μL/cm~3 and 0.002-8 μL/g,respectively.Results:All EOs exhibited strong antifeedant and toxicity activity toward Acharia fusca and Euprosterna elaeasa larvae.Cymbopogon marlinii oil was llie most active againsl both pest insect species,although all tested EOs were better than the synthetic;repellent IR535 on both insects.Conclusions:Colombian EOs have potential for integrated pest management programs in the oil palm industry. Objective: To determine the biological effects of essential oils (EOs) isolated from Cymbopogon iiardus, Cymbopogon Jlexuosus and Cvrnbopogon marlinii grown in Colombia against two Lepidoptera larvae, common pests in the oil palm. Methods: Specimens were captured in the field and the antifeedant activity and dermal contact lethality of EOs were measured against Acharia fusca and Euprosterna elaeasa (Lepidoptera: I.imacodidae) at various concentrations 0.002-0.600 μL / cm 3 and 0.002-8 μL / g, respectively. Results: All EOs exhibiting strong antifeedant and toxicity activity toward Acharia fusca and Euprosterna elaeasa larvae. Cymbopogon marlinii oil was llie most active againsl both pest insect species, although all tested EOs were better than the synthetic; repellent IR535 on both insects. Conclusions: Colombian EOs have potential for integrated pest management programs in the oil palm industry.
我区土壤普查工作,从1974年开始,经过一年多的努力,到1975年,半数以上的耕地完成了普查任务。取得了科学种田的大量资料,揭开了土壤的秘密,推动了生产的发展。 In our area
近来,有些酒厂的吊酒罐因承受高压发生爆炸。轻工业部和国家劳动总局为防止类似事故,通知酒厂吊酒罐要采用常压工艺或联锁方法,以保证其不产生高压。 吊酒罐内温度达80℃左右
据威廉·席林(Vilhelm Si(o|¨)lin)在《火灾》一书(《FOll—Brand》1981—1982)中介绍,瑞典消防技术研究委员会(BRANDFORSK)制定了全国1982—1984年消防技术研究规划。该《