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本文基于1999~2010年55个样本机场的相关数据,在运用SFA分别求解我国机场产业技术效率的基础上,运用面板数据的随机效应回归模型分析了影响机场客运和货邮技术效率的因素。结果表明:1999~2010年我国机场效率在不断提升改进,不同等级、不同地区机场在不同发展时期的效率差异在减小,存在着低等级、欠发达地区的机场向高等级发达地区机场效率的追赶;但机场整体效率依旧没有达到较高水平,存在区域差异、等级差异和不同经济增长的区域差异,表现出了明显的区域不平衡和结构不协调;所有制改革和放松管制对机场客货效率的影响以及对不同等级不同地区机场效率的影响存在差异,所有制改革和公司治理优化对机场效率的改进贡献明显好于价格放松管制;地区经济发展水平和经济结构、机场技术水平、机场非航业务发展、机场市场竞争力和机场治理结构等因素都在一定程度对机场效率改进具有显著的正向影响;机场后勤保障能力和机场等级变量并没有表现出对机场效率提升的贡献特征,1999~2010年期间机场整体效率增长幅度不大,说明机场效率的改进,其关键不在于机场规模的不断扩大,而在于机场管理和服务水平的提升。因此,中国机场业的效率提高,需要在对自身客运和货邮业务技术效率充分评价的基础上,依据其影响因素的主次,有序实施相应措施。 Based on the data of 55 airports in 1999 ~ 2010, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the efficiency of airport passenger and cargo-mail technology by using SFA to solve the technical efficiency of airport industry in our country and using the panel-based random effects regression model. The results show that from 1999 to 2010, the efficiency of airports in our country is continuously improved and improved. The differences in the efficiency of airports at different development levels in different levels and regions are decreasing. There is the difference between the efficiency of airports in low-level and underdeveloped areas Catch up. However, the overall efficiency of the airport is still not up to a high level. There are regional differences in regional differences, level differences and different economic growth, showing obvious regional imbalances and structural uncoordination. Ownership reform and deregulation have an impact on the airport passenger and cargo efficiency The impact of airport reform and corporate governance optimization on airport efficiency is significantly better than that of price deregulation; the level of regional economic development and economic structure, airport technical level, airport non-aeronautical services The development, airport market competitiveness and airport governance structure and other factors all have a significant positive impact on airport efficiency improvement. Airport logistics support capability and airport-level variables do not show any contribution to airport efficiency improvement. During the year the overall efficiency of the airport growth rate is not Describes an improvement of the efficiency of the airport, the key lies not in expanding the size of the airport, which is to raise the level of airport management and services. Therefore, the efficiency improvement of China’s airport industry requires that the corresponding measures be implemented in an orderly manner based on the primary and secondary factors of its influencing factors based on the full evaluation of the technical efficiency of its passenger and cargo postal services.
SG403/SG404无线应变传感器节点是一种基于IEEE 802.15.4协议的新型数据采集系统,广泛应用于桥梁、建筑物、船舶、钢结构应力测试。