6月11日,“海格客车2007安全之旅”广州站活动在长隆酒店隆重举行,苏州金龙总经理吴文文、副总经理黄书平、斯堪尼亚(SCANIA)中国区服务总工URBAN以及来自广东省客运、旅游、公交、团体领域的120多名客户代表以及行业媒体代表参加了活动。此次安全之旅活动主题是进行安全巡讲,普及安全知识,与客车营运用户进行面对面的沟通,交流客车运行安全运营的经验。会上,苏州金龙副总经理黄书平表示,海格客车累计产销大中型客车近70000台,今年1—5月,实现销售18.81亿元,同比增长48.63%,唱响“海格客车,安全为本”的品牌主张,实现了企业的快速发展。他呼吁更多的客车制造企业和客车运营企业回归客车产品的本源。群策群力,为共同打造安全客车而不懈努力。活动期间,展出了苏州金龙针对客运、旅游和团体市场专门开发的新产品,车型包括与斯堪尼亚(SCANIA)共同打造的高档豪华客运大巴SCANIA·HIGER A90以及海格大中型客车海格V92V9系列。
On June 11, “Higer Passenger Car 2007 Safety Tour” was held at Chimelong Hotel. Wu Wenwen, general manager of Suzhou Jinlong, Huang Shuping, deputy general manager of Suzhou Jinlong, and SCANIA Chief Service Officer URBAN As well as more than 120 customer representatives and industry media representatives from the passenger transport, tourism, public transportation and community sectors in Guangdong Province. The theme of the safety trip is to carry out safety patrols, popularize safety knowledge, conduct face-to-face communication with bus operation users, and exchange experience in safe operation of bus operations. Huang Shu-ping, deputy general manager of Suzhou Jinlong, said that a total of nearly 70,000 large and medium-sized passenger cars manufactured and sold by HIC were between January and May this year, achieving a sales volume of 1.81 billion yuan and an increase of 48.63% over the same period of the previous year. “Higer buses are safe The ”brand advocates, to achieve the rapid development of enterprises. He called for more bus manufacturers and bus operators to return to the origin of bus products. Work together to make joint efforts to create a safe bus and make unremitting efforts. During the event, Suzhou Jinlong exhibited new products specially developed for the passenger, tourism and group markets. The models include SCANIA · HIGER A90, a luxury passenger coach co-constructed with SCANIA and Hager V92 V9 series.