
来源 :法制与经济(上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YIFEIFEI
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服务到企业家中去,敞开大门渴求贤思。近期,南宁市人民检察院推进服务“千百十亿元企业工程”活动有大进展,尽职开展“企业深走访”调研活动,殷勤为企业送服务,关切企业生产经营状况及司法需求,集思广益,广泛征求众多企业对检察院工作的意见和建议。从检察长到检察员,从办公室到车间,南宁市检察院各部门深入广西南南铝加工有限公司、南宁糖业股份有限公 Serve to entrepreneurs, open the door for sage. Recently, Nanning Municipal People’s Procuratorate to promote services, “Billions of billions of dollars enterprise project” activities have made great progress, due diligence “enterprises deep visit ” research activities, courteous delivery service for the enterprise, concerned about the production and operation of enterprises and judicial needs , Brainstorming widely solicit the opinions and suggestions of many enterprises on the work of procuratorate. From the Attorney General to the prosecutors, from the office to the workshop, Nanning City Procuratorate various departments in-depth Southwest Aluminum Processing Co., Ltd., Nanning Sugar Co., Ltd.
Hodiaǔ en la labor-ejo lage-kolegoj diskutis siajn ferio-in. Julia, la sekretari-ino, havisbon-ancon.i feriis kun ge-amikoj en vila-eto en Francioapud arbaro
One day a beggar was walking at the foot of a mountain. Suddenly the cloud was lifting quickly. The God came out.“My God, ”the beggar asked, “I want to bewo
Every culture and every country in the world celebrates New Year,but not everyone does it in the same way.The countries of the America and Europe welcome the n
NMET2001:27.The home improvements have taken what little there is——my spare time. A.from B.in C.of D.at 此题的答案为C。该句话的意思为:改善家庭居住条件占去了
一、试卷综述 2002年英语高考(含听力)英语试题是依据1993年《全日制高级中学英语教学大纲(初审稿)》和《2002年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明(英语科)》命制的。听力占
[争当翻译家]竞赛题 1.把下面的文章译成地道的汉语; 2.在每段文章内的空白处填入一个适当的词(词首字母已给); 3.下面的文章共分四段,每段说明一个主题。主题可以用几个单