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1956年,随着被西方国家误认为中国在西部地区搞原子弹试验的矿山大爆破,拉开了开发建设白银的序幕。四十多年过去了,这片昔日“风吹石头跑、遍地野狠嗥”的不毛之地,如今却变成了工厂机器轰鸣、高楼鳞次栉比、街道宽阔整齐、闹市车水马龙、公路四通八达的一座现代化的新兴工业城市。当年曾目睹大爆破壮举、现任国务院总理朱镕基1992年到白银视察时,欣然为白银题词:“三十六年游故地,白银一爆出新天”。50年代初,第一代创业者就踏上白银这块热土探矿寻宝,揭开了地下奥秘,进入大规模建设时期,一大批热血青年从祖国的大江南北汇集到白银,住着帐篷,喝着咸水,点着油灯,顶着风沙,冒着寒暑, In 1956, the curtain of the development and construction of silver was opened with the big blast of mines that were mistakenly mistaken by western countries for conducting atomic bomb tests in the western region. More than 40 years have passed. This piece of old land where “the wind and the stone ran and the fields are wild and ruthless” has now become a roar of factories, row upon row of high-rise buildings, wide and orderly streets, busy downtown streets and highways extending in all directions. A modern, emerging industrial city. At that time, he witnessed the big bursting feat and the current State Premier Zhu Rongji inspected silver during his inspection in 1992. He is pleased to write an inscription for silver: “Thirty-six years of pilgrimages and silver have burst into a new sky.” In the early 1950s, the first generation of entrepreneurs embarked on this hotpot of silver prospecting and treasure discovery, opened the underground mystery, entered the large-scale construction period, a large number of passionate young people from the motherland’s rivers north and south brought together silver, living tents, drinking salty Water, light oil lamps, sand storm, risking cold and heat,
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我院自1997年2月至1999年8月,应用速尿联合甘露醇治疗高血压性脑出血54例,与单用甘露醇组作对照,旨在观察速尿预防甘露醇性肾损害的有效性。 资料和方法 1 病例选择 全部病