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对于家族企业下一代的培养路径,企业界和学术界基本有个共识:接班者需要有基层锻炼经历。而回顾中国两千年帝王传承史可以发现,对于长命王朝,除了开国皇帝和一起打天下的二代外,几乎所有帝王都是从无基层锻炼经历。历代太子接班前制度化的从政历练,是太子监国制度。这种制度最大的特点就是直接从高层做起,第一步就担任CEO或进入董事会担任董事、副董事长等高层职位。纵观经历南北朝、隋唐和明代的太子监国制度,无论是挂职锻炼还是见习观摩模式,或者是正式行政机构与工作领导小组相结合的二元治理模式,其制度设计都有一共同特点:太子作为接班人,一步到位直接进入组织高层,不需要从基层组织逐级历练培养。这与我们当前大多数家族企业创始人在培养二代接班人时的做法大相径庭。无论是历史上的宰相等高级官僚,还是当代企业的职业经理高管团队,他们的职业发展一般都是遵循从基层到高层,从地方到中央的逐级发展路径,职业经理人的产生是“自然选择”的结果,二代帝王的产生则是个确定事件。职业经理人和帝王接班人这两类群体的产生方式的不同,决定了其培养方式的不同。 For the next generation of family business culture path, business and academia basically have a consensus: successors need to have grassroots workout experience. Looking back at the history of the two thousand years of Chinese emperors, we can see that for the longevity dynasty, besides the founding emperors and the second generation who played the world together, almost all the emperors have no experience in grassroots workouts. Princes before the succession of institutionalized political calendar, is the prince supervise the country system. The biggest feature of this system is to start directly from the top, the first step as a CEO or board of directors as the board of directors, vice chairman and other senior positions. Throughout the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui and Tang dynasties princes supervise the country system, whether it is attachment training or probation observation mode, or a combination of formal administrative agencies and work leading group dual governance model, the system design has a common characteristic: Prince as Successors, one step directly into the organization of high-level, do not need to step-by-step training from grassroots organizations. This is quite different from what most of our current founders of family businesses are doing to train second-generation successors. Both senior officials such as the historical prime minister and the executives of contemporary enterprise executives team, their career development are generally followed from the grassroots to the top, from local to central level development path, the production of professional managers is The result of “natural selection”, the birth of the second generation emperors is a definite event. The difference of the ways of producing professional managers and emperor successors determines the different training methods.
近年来,创新问题日益受到西方人文地理学者的关注,并成为西方人文地理学研究的新方向。本文选择WOS(Web of Science)作为文献搜索引擎,选取在创新主题下刊发文章最多的500本
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