
来源 :海洋环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aswdea
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通过对比及分析长江口及其邻近海域冬季叶绿素的实测数据、活性荧光数据以及遥感数据,探讨长江口冬季叶绿素的分布情况以及叶绿色荧光活性仪和遥感手段的应用价值。结果表明,冬季调查海域的叶绿素平均值为0.85 mg/m3,长江口南方的沿岸海域存在一处平均浓度约为1.30 mg/m3的叶绿素高值区。利用叶绿素活性荧光仪测量的最大荧光Fm和最小荧光Fo能较准确的体现叶绿素的分布趋势,最大量子产量Fv/Fm则可以体现浮游植物的生长状态,对研究不同环境因素(营养盐、温度、光等)对浮游植物生长的限制情况具有一定的指示作用。另外,利用遥感手段反演所得的叶绿素精度较低,平均浓度约为0.94 mg/m3,虽然略高于实测值,但能较好的体现叶绿素分布的趋势。 The winter chlorophyll distribution in the Yangtze River Estuary and the application value of leaf green fluorescence activity meter and remote sensing were discussed by comparing and analyzing the winter chlorophyll data, the activity fluorescence data and the remote sensing data of the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent waters. The results showed that the mean value of chlorophyll in winter survey was 0.85 mg / m3. There was a chlorophyll high value area with an average concentration of 1.30 mg / m3 in the coastal area of ​​the south of Yangtze River estuary. The maximum fluorescence Fm and minimum fluorescence Fo measured by the chlorophyll fluorescence spectrometer can reflect the distribution trend of chlorophyll more accurately. The maximum quantum yield Fv / Fm can reflect the growth state of phytoplankton, and can be used to study the effects of different environmental factors (nutrients, temperature, Light, etc.) on the growth of phytoplankton has some indication of the role. In addition, the accuracy of chlorophyll obtained by remote sensing was low, with an average concentration of about 0.94 mg / m3. Although it was slightly higher than the measured value, it could better reflect the trend of chlorophyll distribution.
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