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在岩土工程中应用土工织物是60年代发展起来的一门新的学科。土工织物的适应性很强,它可应用于水利、公路、铁路、海港、城建、军事等工程的各个领域。十几年来,品种日渐增多,使用范围不断扩大,从次要的临时工程逐步向重要的大型工程推广,可以说它是对岩土工程的一场革命。土工织物有有纺和无纺土工布、土工膜、土工格栅、土工膜袋、土工织网等。根据工程对强度、变形模量和透水性的不同要求来制造各种不同规格的土工织物,这些织物埋置在土体中,就能按设计要求发挥它们的排水、过滤、分隔、加固、保护、防渗等作用。可用于公路与铁路路基和挡土墙的加固、河道与海港岸坡的防冲、水库与渠道的防渗,以及土石坝、灰坝、尾矿坝与闸基的反滤与排水等,从而达到节约投资、缩短工期、保证安全运用的目的。土工织物在设计时要考虑三种特性:一是水力学特性,即孔径、孔隙率、渗透性等;二是机械特性,即强度、模量、蠕变、摩擦系数等;三是耐久性,即抗日光、耐高温、抗化学侵蚀、抗生物分解作用等,但至今没有统一的测试标准和方法,产品也没有完全规格化和系列化。此外由于工程性质十分复杂,它的本构关系还在不断探索中,因此现有的土工建筑与地基中土与土工织物间相互作用的分析计算方法,均有赖于工程的原型观测或模型试验来验证。 The application of geotextiles in geotechnical engineering is a new discipline developed in the 1960s. The adaptability of geotextiles is strong. It can be applied to various fields such as water conservancy, highways, railways, seaports, urban construction, and military projects. Over the past decade, the number of varieties has been increasing, the scope of use has been continuously expanding, and it has gradually expanded from minor temporary projects to important large-scale projects. It can be said that it is a revolution in geotechnical engineering. Geotextiles include spinning and non-woven geotextiles, geomembrane, geogrids, geomembrane bags, geotextiles, and the like. According to the different requirements for strength, deformation modulus and water permeability of the project, geotextiles of different specifications are manufactured. These fabrics are buried in the soil and can be used to drain, filter, separate, reinforce and protect them according to design requirements. , impervious and other effects. It can be used for reinforcement of road and railway subgrade and retaining wall, anti-scourance of river and bank slopes, seepage prevention of reservoirs and canals, and reverse filtration and drainage of earth-rock dams, ash dams, tailings dams and gate foundations. To achieve the purpose of saving investment, shortening the construction period, and ensuring safe operation. Geotextiles need to consider three characteristics in the design: First, hydraulic properties, namely, pore size, porosity, permeability, etc.; Second, mechanical properties, namely, strength, modulus, creep, friction coefficient, etc.; Third, durability, That is to say, it is resistant to sunlight, high temperature, chemical resistance, anti-biodegradation, etc. However, there has been no unified testing standard and method, and the product has not been fully standardized and serialized. In addition, due to the complex nature of the project, its constitutive relationship is still being explored. Therefore, the analysis and calculation methods for the interaction between existing geotechnical structures and soils and geotextiles in foundations all rely on prototype observations or model tests. verification.
1.二胡、琵琶等弦乐器(如图甲)的音调与哪些因素有关?如图乙所示。将一根胡琴弦(或尼龙丝)的一端绕结在桌子的腿上。另一端绕过桌边的小滑轮。挂上几个砝码,使它在桌面上拉紧,并且用A、B两个三角形柱状小木块将弦支起来,用一把塑料三角尺弹拨弦的中部。就可以听见弦发出的声音。    改变弦A、B之间的距离。即改变弦发音部分的长度,弹拨弦的中部,听一听,音调的高低跟弦长有什么关系?  保持A、B之间的距离不
一个真正关注人的发展的教师,会为学生在教学中发挥创造性提供条件,会关注学生的个性差异,为每个学生提供积极主动的舞台.教师在课堂中的作用,在于创设情境,搭建舞台,让学生在教师的点拨下,去学习、研讨、体验和尝试.  高中生物课程标准明确指出:“面向全体学生,提高生物科学素养;倡导探究性学习;注重与现实生活的联系”.这就需要我们更新教育教学理念,在课堂教学中构建民主、平等、合作的新型师生关系,充分体现
 一、从传统科学学到新科学学  科学学,国内一直采用ScienceofScience这样的译名,根据通常的定义,它是一门主要以经验方法对科学进行整体研究的综合性学科。它研究整个科学知
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混凝土表面缓凝剂是一种新型、高效混凝土表面处理剂。本文从配方研究、技术性能、机理探讨等方面讨论了 SR 型混凝土表面缓凝剂的新颖性和社会技术经济效益。 Concrete sur
本文从微信平台的微课程在教学中的应用技术和特点,探究分析了微课程提高学生自主学习动力和引起学习兴趣等对教学的促进作用,并探究了影响微课程进一步应用的因素。 Based
一、选择题(每题4分,共24分)  1.以下温度中,最接近25℃的是( )。
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