
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvshuijing
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一四八团党委积极推进干部人事制度改革,扩大干部选拔任用的公开程度和民主程度,增强广大干部和群众对选拔任用干部工作的监督,防止选人用人上的不正之风,把真正优秀的干部选拔任用到各级领导岗位上来,受到了广大群众的拥护与支持。一、干部任前公示制公示制就是将党委拟提拔任用的人选通过公告形式,在一定范围内和一定期限内进行公开,广泛听取各方面的意见,对群众有反映的及时进行调查核实,确有影响干部使用问题的,暂不任命或另作处理,经核查没有问题的再正式任命。一四八团党委于1999年7月率先在教育系统人事调整时实行了任前公示,今年又将其范围扩大到团机关、卫生系统和团处级后备干部。实践证明,干部任前公示制有如下好处:(一)有利于坚持“党管干部”的原则。干部任前公示制实施的全过程,都在党委领导下进行。 The 148th CYL party committee actively promoted the reform of the cadre and personnel system, expanded the openness and democracy of selecting and appointing cadres, and enhanced the supervision of cadres and the general public on the work of selecting and appointing cadres, preventing the unhealthy tendencies in selecting and employing people, The appointment and appointment of cadres to leading positions at all levels have come up with the support and support of the broad masses. First, the cadre pre-publicity system is to announce the publicity system proposed by the party committee to promote the appointment of candidates through a form of notice within a certain period of time and within a certain period of publicity, extensively listen to opinions of all parties, the masses have timely investigation and verification to reflect If there are any problems affecting the use of cadres, they shall be temporarily formally appointed or handled without further verification. The 44th CYL party committee took the lead in implementing the pre-public announcement during the personnel system adjustment in the education system in July 1999, and this year expanded its scope to regiment agencies, health systems and regimental cadres at the regimental level. Practice has proved that the pre-proclamation system for cadres has the following advantages: (1) It is conducive to upholding the principle of “governing cadres”. The whole process of the implementation of the system of public announcement by cadres before the party’s leadership is carried out under the leadership of the party committee.
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夏建设常说,人武部主官参加地方党委任常委,不是荣誉待遇,体现的是党对军队的绝对领导。当好“武”常委就要为军队和国防建设鼓与呼,这叫讲好“军”语。 在人武部收归军队建
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