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有人说北京是没有春天的。冬天刚一过去,呼啪啦地刮上几天沙尘暴,扬沙散尽,就直接是夏日的骄阳了。事实上北京是有春天的,在北京奋斗着人们总能感觉到春天的滋味,可能短暂,却耐人捉摸;当你在拥堵的车流中看见后海升起的几只风筝;当你看见路边的迎春花在晨雾中绽放;当你发现爱美的女同事顾不得倒春寒的风险已将冬衣换为春裳时……你就能知道,是春天来了。一年之计在于舂,行业紧锣密鼓的节奏中,很少有人能停下脚步来看看时下的风景。或许对于像我们这样工作的人而言,确实还没有到欣赏春光的时候,不过这春天可以带给人的欣喜,却绝不是车窗和玻璃木墙就能隔住的,每天马不停蹄地工作,我们在以自己的节奏踩着春天的步伐。“中国广告风云榜”的评选已全部完成,颁奖的大幕即将拉开,我们和行业诸位朋友一样充满期待和欣喜,甚至还有一丝小小的忐忑。故请各位业界同仁密切关注我们“2005-2006年度中国广告风云榜”的动态。除了风云榜将再度与春天同行而来,四月导报给朋友们带来的内容也同样充满春天的气息:封面文章《人才嫁娶的背后)带来的是关于行业人才流动及复合型人才供求趋势的评述。春天也正是广告人跳槽的活跃期,我们希望通过这样一个专题的策划,来为行业的人才流动把把脉。本期的人物专题,我们将与大家一起来走近广告调研人的生活,他们都来自业内顶尖的调研公司,除了谈对于行业的见地,他们的讲述同时也有对于初涉行业的年轻人的指点。正值大学生择业高峰,希望这些资深朋友的经验能给年轻的行业朋友一些帮助。 Some people say that Beijing is not spring. As soon as the winter passed, a few days of sandstorms blew on the ground and the sand was dispersed. It was directly the summer sun. In fact, Beijing is spring. Struggling in Beijing, people can always feel the taste of spring. It may be short-lived but memorable. When you see the few kites that rise in Houhai in the crowded traffic, when you see the roadside. The spring flower blooms in the morning fog; when you discover that the beauty-conscious female colleagues don’t care for the cold and the winter clothes have been replaced with spring clothes...you can tell that spring is here. The one-year plan lies in the hustle and bustle of the industry. Few people can stop to take a look at the current landscape. Maybe it is true that people like us do not have the time to appreciate the spring, but this spring can bring joy to people, but it is definitely not the windows and the glass walls that can be separated. Every day, we work non-stop. We are stepping on the pace of spring at our own pace. The selection of the “China Advertising Billboard” has been completed. The curtain for the awarding ceremony is about to open. We are as full of expectation and joy as our friends in the industry, and even there is even a little embarrassment. Therefore, I urge all my colleagues in the industry to pay close attention to the dynamics of our “2005-2006 China Advertising Billboard”. Apart from the fact that the Billboard will once again come along with the spring, the content that the April Guide brought to the friends is also full of spring atmosphere: The cover article “behind the marriage of talents” brings about the flow of talents in the industry and the supply and demand of compound talents. Review of trends. Spring is also the active period for advertisers to change jobs. We hope that through the planning of such a topic, we can provide the pulse for the flow of talent in the industry. In this issue of the character, we will come with everyone to get close to the life of the advertising researcher. They are all from the top research companies in the industry. Apart from talking about the industry, their presentations also point to young people who are involved in the industry. . It is at the peak of college students’ career choice and hopes that the experiences of these senior friends can help young industry friends.
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