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社建课面临的挑战之一是,作为一门政治理论课,它在教学内容体系上必须相对稳定,但从它的学科性质和特点来讲,又必须不断地适应新情况,充实新内容。这种相对稳定同发展变化的矛盾在1990年以来显得格外突出。解决这一矛盾的出路在于,社建课教学内容体系必须深深植根于马克思主义基本理论,必须牢牢置于科学认识中国国情,全面总结历史经验的基础上。第一,关于植根于马克思主义基本理论,可从以下两方面进行。一方面,把马克思主义的立场、观点和方法渗透到对中国社会主义现代化建设实际问题的分析中去,使之现实化,中国化。另一方面,社建课在研究解决现实问题,阐明党的现行路线、方针、政策时,注意从具体到抽象,由感性到理性,力求从具体、易变的认识和政策中挖掘出具有一般意义的内涵,形成规律性的认识。 As a political theory course, it must be relatively stable in the teaching content system. However, in terms of its nature and characteristics, it must constantly adapt to new situations and enrich new contents. This contradiction between relative stability and development has become particularly prominent since 1990. The solution to this contradiction lies in the fact that the teaching content system of social construction courses must be deeply rooted in the basic Marxist theory and must be firmly placed on the basis of scientifically understanding China's national conditions and comprehensively summarizing historical experiences. First, regarding the basic theory rooted in Marxism, we can proceed from the following two aspects. On the one hand, we must permeate the position, viewpoint and method of Marxism in the analysis of the actual problems in China's socialist modernization and make it realistic and Chinese. On the other hand, when studying and solving practical problems and clarifying the party's current course, principles and policies, the social construction class pays attention to making concrete and abstruse understandings and policies from concreteness to abstraction and from sensibility to reason. The meaning of meaning, the formation of a regular understanding.
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