To Know the beauty of Xishi Culture Hometown of Ancient Beauty Xishi

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The scenic area of Beauty Xishi’s hometown relies on the Xishi culture as the theme, and it shows the ancient Yue State Culture. It hasnatural landscape, abundant culture sediment, complete tourism establishment and modern energy. There are more than 150 scenicspots, its representative scenic spot is Huanjiang. Wuxie, the national key scenic spot in Xishi’s hometown, including Wuxie, Douyan andTangjiangyan, where have unique value to appreciate and taste, enjoys great popularity in china and abroad, and becomes the state-levelscenic spot of landscape. It hasnatural landscape, abundant culture sediment, complete tourism establishment and modern energy. There are more than 150 scenicspots, its representative scenic spot is Huanjiang. Wuxie, the national key scenic spot in Xishi’s hometown, including Wuxie, Douyan and Tangjiangyan, where have unique value to appreciate and taste, enjoys great popularity in china and abroad, and becomes the state-levelscenic spot of landscape.
各区、县级市党委和人民政府,市直局以上单位:市委宣传部《广州市文化发展“十五”规划纲要》已经市委、市政府同意,现印发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻实施。 District and
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