
来源 :恩施职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:n00nn
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欠发达地区经济发展水平普遍低下且发展速度缓慢,最大的制约因素是科技创新能力偏低。现代经济学普遍认为:国家竞争力的提升在很大程度上取决于区域竞争力,而区域竞争力的竞争优势则来源于科技创新能力的提升,科技创新能力的提升是创造区域竞争优势并保持优势的有效方式。就我国现有国情来讲,经济发展极不平衡,欠发达地区占主体部分,其发展水平将直接影响我国现代化建设的步伐。因此,对于欠发达地区而言,实施科技创新具有更重大的现实意义。恩施自治州是农业大州,在农业领域有较好的基础,但工业基础薄弱,目前经济发展水平落后于全国平均水平。结合自身条件,应该以科技创新为动力,发挥科技创新在经济腾飞中的引领作用。本文以恩施州为例,就欠发达地区科技创新工作的开展进行了一些初步探讨。 In the underdeveloped areas, the level of economic development is generally low and the pace of development is slow. The biggest constraint is the low technological innovation capability. Modern economics generally holds the view that the enhancement of national competitiveness depends largely on regional competitiveness, while the competitive advantage of regional competitiveness comes from the improvement of scientific and technological innovation ability. The improvement of scientific and technological innovation ability is to create regional competitive advantage and maintain Advantage of the effective way. As far as the existing national conditions in our country are concerned, the economic development is extremely unbalanced. The underdeveloped areas occupy the main part and its level of development will directly affect the pace of China’s modernization. Therefore, for undeveloped areas, the implementation of scientific and technological innovation has more important practical significance. Enshi Autonomous Prefecture is a big agricultural state with a good foundation in agriculture. However, its industrial foundation is weak and its current economic development lags behind the national average. Combining with its own conditions, science and technology innovation should be the driving force to play a leading role in scientific and technological innovation in economic take-off. This article takes Enshi Prefecture as an example to conduct some preliminary discussions on the development of scientific and technological innovation in underdeveloped areas.
自美国 Alvarez 等(1980)首次在意大利白垩-第三系界线粘土层中发现铱(Ir)等铂族元素异常后,事件地层学的研究得到了迅速的发展。近十余年来,国内不少学者在华南海相地层区做
德育课程是中职学校实施素质教育、思想教育的重要内容。本文从为什么进行德育教学改革、德育课程改革的瓶颈是什么、德育课程怎样改革三方面进行阐述。 Moral education cu