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中国,对于外国朋友来说,是一个古老神秘、拥有五千年灿烂文化的民族。中国语言,对于外国朋友来说,也是一种深奥难懂、但有着无穷魅力的语言。当越来越多的外国人来到中国,学习中文当然也成为一股热潮。Carlo是一位意大利小伙子,对中文有着极大的兴趣。第二期杂志我们发表了他的《走向“文化自觉”》和《浅谈“语言障碍”》两篇文章,从中可以看出他对中国文化现象的敏锐看法和独特见解。这期的三篇文章阐述了他对学习语言的一些经验和观点。 China, for foreign friends, is an ancient mysterious nation with splendid culture of 5,000 years. Chinese language, for foreign friends, is also an esoteric but inextricable language. As more and more foreigners come to China, learning Chinese has certainly become a boom. Carlo is an Italian guy who has a great interest in Chinese. In the second issue, we published two articles entitled “Cultural Perceptions” and “Discussion” “Language Barriers”, from which we can see his keen perceptions and unique insights into Chinese cultural phenomena. Three articles in this issue illustrate some of his experiences and perspectives on learning languages.
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