甲鱼,具有滋阴补血,清热消疾,平肝益肾等药用功能,也是喜宴宾客的上乘美味佳肴。目前单靠野生甲鱼资源的自然增殖,已远远不能满足各方面的需求,所以各地都在进行甲鱼的人工养殖。为了达到能大量地繁殖和获得较高的经济效益,笔者认为:“适时优选”是主要环节。 一、山瑞鳖的特点 我省市场上常见的甲鱼有两种:一种体表背腹上均有大小不等的黑色斑块或斑点,背甲前缘有一排明显的粗大疣粒,此为“山瑞鳖”;另一种则无上述特征,称之为“中华鳖”。据测量:背甲等长的两种甲鱼,前者平均体重比后者约重
Turtle, with nourishing Yin and blood, heat detoxification, Pinggan Yishen and other medicinal functions, but also the wedding guests superior delicacies. At present, the natural reproduction of wild turtle resources alone can not meet the needs of all fields. Therefore, artificial breeding of turtles is carried out all over the country. In order to achieve a large number of breeding and access to higher economic benefits, I believe: “timely optimization” is the main part. First, the characteristics of Shanrui turtle On the market in our province there are two common turtles: a body surface dorsal both sizes and black patches or spots of size, the front of the carapace has a row of obvious coarse warts, this For “Shanrui turtle”; the other is without the above characteristics, called “soft-shelled turtle.” It is measured: carapace length of two kinds of soft-shelled turtle, the former average weight than the latter about weight