
来源 :河南农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanglq
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小麦是我省粮食生产的一大优势,播种面积约占耕地的70%,总产量150亿多公斤,占全省粮食总产的50%以上,面积和总产均居全国第一位。抓好小麦生产,对增加全省粮食总产量具有十分重要的意义。良种是实现高产稳产的关键因素,国内外研究资材表明,在小麦单产提高中,品种的作用约占40~50%或以上。因此,选育和推广新品种是极其重要的工作。省农科院小麦研究所品种利用研究室的专家和科技人员,通过试验研究和生产示范,筛选了冀麦5418等优良小麦新品种(系),并对我省小麦品种的利用和合理布局提出了科学的建议,总结了推广良种的经验。目前,这些新品种(系)已在生产中发挥了巨大的作用,还将在提高小麦产量上发挥其增产潜力。 Wheat is a major advantage of grain production in our province. The sown area accounts for about 70% of the cultivated land and the total output is over 15 billion kilograms, accounting for over 50% of the province’s total grain output. Its area and total output rank first in the country. Grasp the wheat production, to increase the province’s total grain output is of great significance. The seed is the key factor to achieve high and stable yield. The research materials at home and abroad show that the effect of the variety accounts for about 40-50% of the total wheat yield. Therefore, breeding and promoting new varieties is an extremely important task. Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of wheat varieties of the use of laboratory experts and scientific and technological personnel, through experimental research and production demonstration, screening Jimmy 5418 and other excellent new wheat varieties (lines), and the utilization of wheat varieties in our province and reasonable layout The scientific advice, summed up the promotion of good seed experience. At present, these new varieties (strains) have played a huge role in the production and will also exert their potential yield increase in increasing wheat yield.
在河北藁城开展种植试验,对新引进的6个大豆品种(系)进行评价,结果显示,冀张豆1号、沧豆10号和山宁11的产量较高,亩产分别为235.7、233.6 kg和221.7 kg,并且3个品种的生育期
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