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费孝通先生说过,一个政党,在一个历史时期要做什么,不是自己定位,是时代定位。作为中国特色社会主义参政党,懂大局,识大势,知情明政,是履行好参政议政、民主监督职能的前提。目前的大局、大势是什么呢?就是全面深化改革。读懂改革这篇大文章,围绕深化改革参政议政,是民盟当前的第一要务。从改革开放拉开序幕至今,作为中国特色社会主义参政党,民盟始终与时代同步,与改革同行,广大民盟成员亲身参与、亲眼见证了改革发展的一次次精彩跨越。三十多年来,民盟提倡要做改革的促进派,团结、引导广大盟员在思想上理解改革、支持改革,坚定改革的信念和决心,在行动上参与改革、投身改革,增强推进改革的自觉性、主动性,为促进改革大业、推动国家“五位一体”建设作出了应有贡献。如今,改革进入了攻坚期、深水区。从深度上看,这意味着剩下的都是难啃的硬骨头,参政议政 Mr. Fei Xiaotong said that what a political party needs to do during a historical period is not its own position, but a position of the times. As a participating party for the socialism with Chinese characteristics, knowing the overall situation, understanding the general trend and providing informed information is a prerequisite for fulfilling the functions of participating in the deliberation and administration of state affairs and exercising democratic supervision. What is the general trend of the current overall situation? It is to deepen the reform in an all-round manner. To understand this great article of reform, focusing on deepening reform and participating in politics and deliberation is the top priority of the NLD. Since the opening of the reform and opening up to the present, as a socialist party with Chinese characteristics, the Democratic League has always kept pace with the times, accompanied by reforms, and extensive participation by NLD members witnessed a splendid leap in reform and development. For more than three decades, the NLD advocates the promotion factions to be reformed, unites and guides the vast majority of members in ideologically understanding the faith, determination and determination of reform, supporting reforms and resolutely reforming them. They also take part in the reform, the reform and the promotion of reforms in their actions Consciousness and initiative of our country and made due contributions to promoting the great cause of the reform and pushing forward the building of the “Five in a One”. Today, the reform has entered a crucial period, the Sham Shui Po area. From a depth perspective, this means that the rest are hard to bite the hard bones, politics
2005年7月29日,某晚报刊载了 一篇《交了电费未送电市民万大爷又急 又气》的文章,说的是:一位万姓大爷反 映自己忘了交电费,供电部门停止供电, 老人家第二天交完电费,供电公
2005年6月下旬,安徽省高级人民 法院对蚌埠供电公司员工的32套商品 房被强占案做出终审判决:驳回蚌埠市 城乡房地产开发有限责任公司(简称城 乡公司)的上诉,维持蚌埠市中级人