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江泽民同志在去年“七一”讲话中指出 :“马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质。”广大理论工作者认为 ,这个论断的根本精神在于强调解放思想、实事求是 ,坚持理论创新 ,在新的历史条件下丰富和发展马克思主义。为此 ,就要避免毛泽东同志曾批评过的那种“无实事求是之心 ,有哗众取宠之意”的轻浮态度 ,脚踏实地、扎扎实实地研究当代实践提出的重大现实问题。马克思曾经指出 ,过去的资产阶级革命是“词藻胜于内容” ,而无产阶级革命则是“内容胜于词藻”。词藻胜于内容的东西决不会具有与时俱进的理论品质。历史证明 ,缺乏实事求是的科学态度 ,任何严肃正确的论断都可能变成空洞无聊的套话 ,甚至为错误倾向推波助澜。中国社会科学院以哲学所马哲史研究室为主的一些年轻学者 ,意识到这个问题的重要性 ,以高度的责任感和浓厚的理论兴趣 ,组织了多次讨论。本刊将他们的研究成果和体会以笔谈的形式发表 ,希望得到广大理论界同仁的勉励和指导。 In his “1 July” speech last year, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Marxism has the theoretical quality of keeping pace with the times.” The majority of theoretical workers believe that the fundamental spirit of this thesis lies in emphasizing emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and insisting on theoretical innovation. In the new Enrich and Develop Marxism under Historical Conditions. To this end, we must avoid the kind of frivolous attitude that Comrade Mao Zedong once criticized as “a heart without pragmatism and a grandstanding” and study in an down-to-earth manner the major practical issues raised by contemporary practice. Marx once pointed out that the bourgeois revolution of the past was “rhetoric over content,” while the proletarian revolution was “content over rhetoric.” Words better than the content of things will never have the theoretical quality of advancing with the times. History has proven that the lack of a scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts and any serious and correct conclusion can turn out to be boring clichés and even fuel false inclinations. Some young scholars mainly based on the research institute of philosophy and history of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences have realized the importance of this issue and organized many discussions with a high sense of responsibility and strong theoretical interest. The publication of their research results and experience published in the form of a written discussion, hoping to get the encouragement and guidance of the vast number of my colleagues in the field of theory.
托马斯是一个喜欢搞怪的男孩,总是喜欢做些好玩的事逗我们哈哈大笑,我们都很喜欢他。只有贝特拉克斯小姐在场时,托马斯才会乖一点。当然,贝特拉克斯小姐在的时候,我们每个人都很乖。贝特拉克斯小姐身材高大,对我们很严厉。她的嗓门很大,她大吼一声,连正在行驶的车辆都会停下来。  在我们教室中央的地板上,有一扇大大的可以活动的门板。不过,我们从未打开过,所以我们也不知道门下面放着什么。  “你们瞧着就是了。”托
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傍晚,萌萌哒村的小路上,走来一位漂亮的小姐。  瞧,她个子高挑,穿着鸢尾花做成的蓝色长裙,头上戴着波斯菊帽子,纤细的腰上系着一条桃花蕊儿织成的腰带。  “她是谁?真美啊!”孩子们围了过去。  “请称呼我——尊贵的维朵莉莉小姐。”漂亮小姐高傲地说道。  “你的裙子真漂亮!”一个孩子伸出手想摸摸她的裙子。  “走开!这是用永不凋落的鸢尾花做成的,别弄脏了。”  “你不是这儿的居民吧?为什么要到我们村来