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空军航空医学研究所于2004年11月25-26日召开了“军事航空医学科‘十一五’计划和2020年前发展战略研讨会”。会议由训科部罗永昌部长主持,卢志平所长和张向阳政委分别作了指导性发言。到会的航空医学专家和学科带头人、各研究室领导对军事航空医学的学科及专业发展方向、主要任务和条件建设做了专题发言并进行了充分研讨,学术氛围浓厚。与会专家各抒己见、畅所欲言,提出了许多创新性建议。这次研讨会总体上交流了各方面的信息,开阔了学科、专业的视野和思路,为制定军事航空医学科研“十一五”规划打下了良好基础。 会议闭幕前,空军装备部、空后司令部和卫生部分别派代表到会,对我所规划提出了指导意见。丁立副所长做了总结讲评和下一步工作部署,卢志平所长做了重要讲话。所领导指出本次研讨会形式新颖、组织得力,主题鲜明、重点突出,面向未来、求真务实,既盘点了科研总体情况中,也开阔了科研视野。通过组织研讨的形式进一步明确了方向和重点,深化了规划论证,有力推动了“十一五”规划拟制的进程。 The Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine held the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Military Aviation Medical Sciences and the Development Strategy Seminar for 2020” from November 25 to November 26, 2004. The meeting was chaired by Minister Luo Yongchang of the Department of Training, Director Lu Zhiping and Political Commissar Zhang Xiangyang made guiding speeches respectively. The leaders of aviation medical experts and academic leaders who attend the meeting made speeches and conducted thorough discussions on the discipline, professional development, major tasks and conditions of military aviation medicine, and the academic atmosphere was strong. The participating experts expressed their opinions freely and made many suggestions. The seminar, on the whole, exchanged various aspects of information, broadened the field of vision and ideas of disciplines and professions, and laid a good foundation for the formulation of the “Eleventh Five-year Plan” for military aviation medical research. Before the closing of the meeting, the Air Force Armed Forces, the Airborne Command and the Ministry of Health sent representatives respectively to attend the meeting and provided guidance on my plan. Ding Li, deputy director made concluding remarks and the next step, Lu Zhuping made an important speech. The leaders pointed out that this seminar is a new form of organization, effective organization, distinctive theme, focused, future-oriented, pragmatic and pragmatic, both in the overall situation of scientific research, but also broaden the scientific field of vision. Through the organization and discussion of the form of further clarify the direction and focus, deepen the planning argument, effectively promoted the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” process of preparation.
目的:探讨胸部肿瘤放射治疗时引起的放射性食管损伤的临床特点、诊断、治疗措施,并结合相关文献进行讨论,为规范放射性食管疾病的诊断及处理提供参考。 方法:采用临床病例分析
环境污染物的降解处理是辐射技术的一个重要应用领域。利用γ射线和电子束辐照多种染料水溶液,以脱色率和化学需氧量COD(Chemical oxygen demand)去除率为降解指标,研究染料分子