院1974年以来共收治各型肺吸虫32例,其中误诊13例,误诊率41%。为总结经验教训,现分析如下。误诊情况一、误诊为肺结核(4例) 例1:男,5岁。因发烧、咳嗽,反复咯血十余天入院。一年前,曾因咳嗽及痰中带血住院,诊断为“肺结核”,经抗结核药治疗一度好转,遂后又反复咳嗽、咯血。查体:T3 7.6℃,双肺中部闻及少许细湿罗音,其余正常。X线胸透:两肺中部少许片状阴影。实验室检查:ESR86mm/h,WBC19.2×10~9/L,N62%,L22%,E16%。详问病史,平时常吃螃蟹,且颈部长过包块。肺吸虫成虫抗原皮内试验阳性。用硫双二氯酚治疗15天后症
Since 1974, all kinds of paragonimiasis have been treated in 32 cases, of which 13 cases were misdiagnosed, with a misdiagnosis rate of 41%. To sum up the lessons learned, are as follows. Misdiagnosis situation Misdiagnosed as tuberculosis (4 cases) Example 1: Male, 5 years old. Because of fever, cough, repeated hemoptysis admitted more than ten days. A year ago, he was hospitalized with cough and bloody sputum. He was diagnosed as “pulmonary tuberculosis” and was treated with anti-TB drugs for the first time. After that, he coughed and hemoptysis was repeated. Examination: T3 7.6 ℃, the middle of the lungs smell a little wet rales and the rest of the normal. X-ray: a little flaky shadows in the middle of both lungs. Laboratory tests: ESR86mm / h, WBC19.2 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N62%, L22%, E16%. Examine the history, usually eat crabs, and the neck over the mass. Paragonimus adult antigen skin test positive. Treatment with thiadichlorophenol 15 days later