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教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来。教学的最终目的是要为实现现代化战略目标,为迎接世界经济、科技、文化挑战,为民族的未来、社会主义的未来培养合格的人才。未来社会对人才的素质提出了更高、更远的目标。作为基础教育的重要课程之一和未来的人才必备的工具之一的英语学科的教学对人才的素质的提高起到至关重要的作用。而我国又是农业大国,农村人口占绝大多数。所以如何提高农村中学的英语教学质量是我们从事英语教学工作所急需解决和探索的问题。 Education should be oriented towards modernization, the world and the future. The ultimate goal of teaching is to train qualified personnel for the realization of the strategic goal of modernization and to meet the world economic, technological and cultural challenges and for the future of our nation and the future of socialism. In the future, the society will set higher and farther targets for the quality of talented people. The teaching of English as one of the most important basic education courses and one of the necessary talent for the future plays an important role in the improvement of the quality of talented people. However, our country is also a big agricultural country with the vast majority of rural population. Therefore, how to improve the quality of English teaching in rural middle schools is an urgent problem to be solved and explored in our English teaching.
本文分析了中小学青少年体育活动的现状和特点,根据《国家学生体质健康标准》培养目标,提出了以校内活动为主、课外活动实践、自我体验和自我发展的多种实施途径。 This pap
Cancer is the leading cause of death all over the world.Among the chemotherapy drugs,taxanes play an important role in cancer treatment.6258-70 is a new semi-sy
Water is very important.It is the source of life.Everything in the world can’t live without water.The proportion of water and a person’s weight is about70%.Pe
以家中“管道疏通剂”研究为载体,引导学生像科学家一样进行思考和解决问题,完成一次完整的科学探究过程,借此培养学生的化学核心素养。 In the home “pipeline dredging