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中国经济改革目前已推进至全面攻坚阶段,与住房制度改革一样,社会保障制度作为配套改革,也已经提上议事日程,并且将于1997年起在全国次第推开。编辑部就此专题进行了针对性组稿,并借近期一些国际研讨会机会采访了国际金融保险界资深人士。智利作为发展中国家在这方面的成功原因是针对国情设计渐次推进改革,这一点对中国这样一个转型经济而且是发展中国家是有参考价值的。 山西大学程人乾教授对华沙大市场的考察,不仅使我们看到了那里的市场概貌,还有重要一点,是针对中国商品在国际市场销售中出现的起伏波折,提出了批评,提示我们应当如何改进出口与商品质量工作,发人深思。 随着中美知识产权问题进一步磋商达成协议,越来越多的人们在外经贸实务中关心反倾销、服务贸易、投资措施等新领域,本期组织了几篇专文, China’s economic reform has now been pushed to the stage of overall tackling. Like the reform of the housing system, the social security system has also been put on the agenda as a supporting reform and will be the second in the country starting in 1997. The editorial department targeted the symposium on this topic and took the opportunity of some international seminars recently to interview senior members of the international financial and insurance industry. The success of Chile as a developing country in this respect is due to its gradual advancement of reforms in light of its national conditions. This is of great value to China as a transitional economy and a developing country. The inspection of the Warsaw Grand Market by Professor Cheng Rengan of Shanxi University not only enabled us to see the overview of the market there, but also importantly pointed out that we should criticize how the export of Chinese goods should be improved in response to the ups and downs in the sales of Chinese goods in the international market Work with product quality, thought-provoking. With the further negotiation on intellectual property issues between China and the United States reached an agreement, more and more people are concerned about new areas such as anti-dumping, service trade and investment measures in foreign trade and economic cooperation. Several articles were published in this issue,
某医院,有一台2吨/时 KZG快装锅炉和一台2吨/时往复推动炉排锅炉,负责全院消毒、制药、采暖、蒸汽的供给,长期以来正压燃烧。 前不久,曾险些发生一次严重事故。那天早上六点,
我市共有高压输电线路一百四十二公里,农村电 力抽水机站四十四座,装机容量八百多。全市六个 公社,社社有了电。四十一个大队已用上电的达二十 七个。四百四十九个生产队,用
重点讨论248例眶内海绵状血管瘤的B型超声波显像特点。术前明确诊断的241例;不能定性诊断的6例;假阴性1例。所有病例均经手术和病理证实。 Focus on discussing 248 cases o
电气设备是造成加工工业中着火的一个原因 至少有6次着火和爆炸事故是由于电气设备中的热电偶或温度控制器在控制生产中的加热过程中控制失灵所造成。至少有5次爆炸事故是由
在山东省莱芜市钢城区辛庄镇,有一座美丽的果园,这里被人们称之为“花果山”。在这个令人陶醉的果园里,总有一个灿若桃花的女人,行色匆匆地行走在春华秋实的季节 In Xinzhua