
来源 :中学生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fujinfa
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我的家很普通,普通得在地图上找不到它的位置。可是我的家确实很美。那里处处收藏着我的故事,流淌着我的幸福。从家里出发,可以直达我的学校。两三里小路,七八分钟行程,不用太快,也不用太急,引得不少同窗羡慕。这条小路,其实也算不上什么。这么短的路程,除了要拐几个弯,还有好几处坑坑洼洼的地方。行走在路上,却总有一种唐代诗人常建笔下的曲径通幽之感。清晨打开房门,跃入眼帘的全是绿色。绿绿的小草,绿绿的禾苗,绿绿的大树,真是一片绿色的海洋。天天行走在这么一条绿色长廊上,心情时时都是美美的啊!放学了,哼着刚刚学会的歌儿,一路小跑便进了家门。这个时候,我得去看看那些朋友们了。书包一丢,穿过楼梯,打开后门,便到了我家的小院。看到我回来,那些朋友们乐得不可 My home is very ordinary and I can’t find it on the map. But my home is really beautiful. There is a collection of my stories everywhere, flowing my happiness. Starting from home, you can go straight to my school. Two or three miles of the road, seven or eight minutes of travel, not too fast, not too hasty, attracted a lot of classmates envy. This path is in fact nothing. In such a short distance, in addition to turning a few bends, there are several pits. Walking on the road, there is always a sense of lingering feelings in the writings of Tang Dynasty poets. Opening the door early in the morning, everything that leapt into the eye is green. Green grass, green seedlings, green trees, really a green sea. Walking on such a green corridor every day, the mood is always beautiful and beautiful! After school, taking advantage of the song just learned, trotted and entered the house. This time, I have to go and see those friends. When the bag was lost, he crossed the stairs and opened the back door to the small courtyard of my house. When I came back, those friends were very happy
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