
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxlcc1026
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又是一年春来到,向全国的工会财务干部们问好!送走硕果累累的2010年,迎来充满希望的2011年。在新的一年里,黑龙江省工会财务工作要以科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻落实党的十七届五中全会和省委十届十四次全会精神,围绕加快全省经济发展方式转变这一中心,为全省“八大经济区”和“十大工程”建设的大局服务,通过夯实基础、狠抓收入、合理使用、科学精细、强化管理、确保规范,不断提升我省工会财务工作水平,为我省工运事业的创新发展提供坚实的物质保障。 Spring is also a year, to the country’s union cadres and greetings! Sent fruitful in 2010, ushered in a promising 2011. In the new year, the financial work of trade unions in Heilongjiang Province should be guided by the scientific concept of development, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and the 10th Plenary Session of the 10th Provincial Party Committee, and focus on accelerating the transformation of the province’s economic development mode This center serves the overall interests of the province’s “eight major economic zones” and “the top ten construction projects.” By solidifying the foundation, paying close attention to income, using it rationally, scientifically using it, strengthening management, ensuring compliance and continuously improving The level of financial work of trade unions in the province provides a solid material guarantee for the innovation and development of the industry and transport in our province.
vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持, 记(日记,账等)vi.保持,继续不断过去式:kept:过去分词:kept:现在分词:keeping Keep, keep, obey, operate, caretaker, detain, m
三年前的炎夏的灰尘中挥手作别那片华丽的校园,未来像一簇已经点烯但不辨光泽形状的烟火一样,毫玩预兆 In the dust of the summer of three years ago, I waved to the gor
农家的男孩,是从黄土的褶皱里挤出来的;农家的女孩,是从田野的绿荫里爬出来的;农家的男孩,是从蝈蝈的叫声里跳出来的;农家的女孩,是从庄稼的芬芳里溢出来的; The farm boy
在抗日战争最艰苦卓绝的时候,一个牡丹江人民的优秀儿子,投身到中国共产党的旗帜下,在枪林弹雨中成长为威震敌胆的民族英雄,他的名字叫李范五。 During the most difficult