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选拔和教养聪明儿童的问题可以从各种不同的科学观点来讨论。心理学的研究任务是用因素分析法澄清“禀赋”、“智力”、“才能”等概念。教育学主要是研究帮助人格的发展,即培养和促进儿童的心理能力。学校承认作业和选择的原则,并往往根据学生的特种禀赋而不根据可教性来评价学生。假如学校的训练能适合学生特别禀赋的括,学生就能从抽象的逻辑思维训练中得益不少。中等能力的学生一旦有机会发展他们的智能,就能成为杰出人才。这类学生在学校里占大多数,所以学校不得不照顾他们。所以凡是有助于促进儿童的教育也有助于发展他们的禀赋。可教性对心理成就和对先天智力同样重要。可教性是一切向上发展的基本条件。每一种“智力的基本功能”都是可教的。这些功能的有效能力在很大程度上依赖个人教育活动的可教程度。遗传的基本智力也是可教的,因为弹性和可塑性也是它的基本特征。这种基本智力对个人的每一个心理作业起持久潜能的推动影响。在动荡不安的岁月里,许多学术家不得不学会一种手艺。生存竞争使得他们要适应环境,从理论型的思维转到实际型的思维。禀赋是一个相对的概念;要评定这一概念,必须注意个人的发展方面和教育机会。个人禀赋同个人教育之间的结构关系十分密切,以致每个教育过程都会大大的影响个人先天的倾向的型式、作业和形成。学校应注意培养学生不同的能力。学校对每一个正常的聪明儿童都应当给予最好的训练方法,和发展特殊天资的机会。一个儿童的可教性是由他的先天禀赋同教育之间的结构关系,由他的接受教育价值的能力同学校给予他的教育帮助之间的关系为其特征的。充分发挥可教性能培养儿童的特殊禀赋。 The issue of selecting and rearing smart children can be discussed from a variety of scientific perspectives. Psychological research task is to use factor analysis to clarify the “endowment”, “intelligence”, “talent” and other concepts. Pedagogy is mainly about helping the development of personality, that is, cultivating and promoting children’s psychological ability. Schools recognize the principles of homework and choice and often evaluate students based on their special endowments rather than on the basis of enlightenment. If the school training can be adapted to the special endowment of students, students can benefit from the abstract logical thinking training. Middle-ability students become outstanding people when they have the opportunity to develop their intelligence. Such students make up the majority of schools, so schools have to take care of them. So anything that helps to promote children’s education also helps to develop their endowments. Educability is equally important to mental achievement and innate intelligence. Pedagability is the basic condition for all upward development. Every kind of “basic function of intelligence” is teachable. The effective ability of these functions depends to a large extent on the degree of personal education activities can be taught. The basic intelligence of inheritance is also teachable, because elasticity and plasticity are also its basic characteristics. This basic intelligence has a long-term, potential impact on every individual’s mental task. In turbulent years, many academics have to learn a craft. Survival competition allows them to adapt to the environment, from the theoretical thinking to practical thinking. Endowment is a relative concept; to assess this concept, one must pay attention to the individual’s developmental aspects and educational opportunities. The structural relationship between personal endowment and individual education is very close, so that each educational process will greatly influence the type, operation and formation of personal inborn tendencies. Schools should pay attention to develop students’ different abilities. The school should give every normal smart child the best training method and the opportunity to develop special gifts. The pedagogical character of a child is characterized by the structural relationship between his innate endowment and education, the relationship between his ability to receive educational value and the educational assistance his school gives him. Give full play to the special endowment that can teach children to cultivate.
目的探讨人尿激肽原酶治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效及对血清C-反应蛋白(CRP)水平的影响。方法 80例急性脑梗死随机分为治疗组和对照组,对照组给予常规基础治疗和个体化治疗,治疗
本文分析了现阶段主流学校网络的安全状况,并提出采用了防火墙与入侵检测系统、虚拟专用IP、数据加密等一系列的技术进行安全防御与维护。 This article analyzes the secur
百尺竿头更进一步 《中国经济信息》确实是一本很好的经济刊物。在我所订的数十份经济刊物中实属一流。’94年贵刊由月刊改出半月刊,无论从缩短出版时间到扩大经济信息时效
最好的朋友 和经济日报相识已有好几年了,认识《中国经济信息》才一年多。尽管时间短暂,但我的感觉是她不愧是经济日报社主办的杂志。不论她的层次、内容、深度和范围都很能
编辑同志: 拙作《’93老骥万里走单骑》在旅游杂志今年第五期发表后,作者收到本文中主人公之一、万里骑行者、内蒙古离休老干部钟朴先生写来的信,信中称:“此文在各地骑游爱
团中央第一书记李克强同志 为本刊创刊两周年题词 祝贺《中国青年科技》杂志创刊两周年。 现在离二十一世纪还有六年时间。下个世纪将是高科技的世纪,将是科技和人才起关键作