
来源 :中小学电教(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangli95680
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高一学生对计算机程序比较陌生,但相较小学、初中而言数学知识水平有所提高,逻辑思维能力增强,对初步了解计算机程序的概念和执行过程,简单设计解决问题的算法困难不大。课程主要目的是通过分析和体验,了解程序设计是使用计算机解决问题的一种手段,了解计算机解决问题的一般过程,知道算法是程序设计的核心和灵魂,同时形成学习计算机程序设计的兴趣。 Students in high school are unfamiliar with computer programs. However, compared with elementary schools and junior high schools, mathematics knowledge level is improved and logical thinking ability is enhanced. It is not difficult to simply design and solve algorithms for preliminary understanding of the concept and execution process of computer programs. The main purpose of the course is to understand that program design is a means of using computers to solve problems by understanding and experiencing them. Understanding the general process of computer problem solving, knowing that algorithms are the core and soul of programming, forms an interest in learning computer programming.
1 红旗CA 7180AE轿车空调系统故障故障现象该车空调鼓风机第1、2、3 档风力都比正常时小,且第2档和第3档风力差别不大,第4档正常。分析与处理过程因为第4档风力正常,说明电
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