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美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院研究人员开展的一项研究发现,喜欢吃西红柿或含西红柿的食物,如比萨饼、西红柿酱的男子,患前列腺癌的可能性降低45%。这是对4.7万名40~75岁的男子进行历时6年的研究结果得到证实的。负责此项研究的爱德华·乔万努奇博士说,他们分别用46种水果和蔬菜配制的食物预防前列腺癌的功效所作的试验结果表明,只有西红柿和草莓具有预防作用,其中西红柿熟吃似乎比生吃或做成酱的预防效果更好。他说,每周吃10份含有西红柿的食物的男子,患前列腺癌的可能性减少45%,每周只吃4—7份同样食物的男子患前列腺癌的可能性降低20%。研究表明,西红柿之所以具有较好的抗癌效果,其原因是西红柿含有丰富的番茄红素,它有很强的抗氧效果。乔万努奇说,在他列为研究对象的男子所摄入的番茄红素中,西红柿和西红柿制品几乎占90%。 A study by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who like to eat tomatoes or tomatoes-containing foods such as pizza and tomato sauce have a 45% lower chance of developing prostate cancer. This is the results of a study of 47,000 men aged 40 to 75 years that lasted six years. Dr. Edward Qavannucci, who is in charge of the study, said that the results of their tests on the efficacy of prophylactic use of 46 fruits and vegetables against foodstuffs, respectively, showed that only tomatoes and strawberries had a preventive effect, Prevention of raw or cooked sauce better. He said men who ate 10 servings of tomatoes weekly had a 45% lower chance of prostate cancer and men who ate 4-7 servings of the same diet a 20% chance of prostate cancer. Studies have shown that the reason why tomatoes have a good anti-cancer effect, the reason is that tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has a strong antioxidant effect. Giovannucci said tomatoes and tomatoes made up almost 90% of the lycopene ingested by men he studied.
羊肚菌是世界上较为珍贵的稀有食用菌,现将其栽培技术介绍如下: 一、栽培料配方。 1.农作物秸粉75%,麸皮20%,磷肥1%,石膏1%,石灰0.5%,腐殖土3%;2.木屑75%,麸皮20%,磷肥1%,石