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2003年1月18日,日本。当何晓佩和她的同事们走进被誉为组织严谨、评判严格、评委层次高且特别强调作品原创性而著称的日本崎玉国际创作舞蹈大赛的会场,本届大赛主席宣布中国代表团的《飘荡》荣获金奖时.何晓佩和她的同事们热泪盈眶,紧紧拥抱,一颗久悬的心终于落下了。日本崎玉国际创作舞蹈大赛自上个世纪的1982年创办至今共举办了十二届,大赛仅设金、银、铜奖各一名。中国曾九次选派代表团参加。在1986年第三届比赛中,由中国舞蹈界已故泰斗、原中国舞蹈家协会主席、现代舞大师吴晓邦率领的代表团,以作品《鸣凤之死》夺得金奖。时隔十七年,由邓林编舞、张千一作曲、何晓佩主演的现代舞《飘荡》再一次获得了金奖.为祖国争得了荣誊。 January 18, 2003, Japan. When He Xiaopei and her colleagues walked into the venue of Japan’s Saitama International Creative Dance Competition, which is well-known for its rigorous organization, rigorous judgments, high level of judges and special emphasis on the originality of the work, the chairman of this contest announced that the “ Floating ”won the gold medal when He Xiao Pei and her colleagues tears, hugged, a long hanging heart finally fell. Japan Saitama International Creative Dance Competition since its founding in 1982 of the last century has held a total of twelve, the contest only gold, silver and bronze awards each one. China has sent delegations nine times to participate. In the third competition in 1986, a delegation led by the late Chinese founder of the dance industry, former chairman of the Chinese Dancer Association and modern dance master Wu Xiaobang, won the gold medal in the “Death of Ming Feng”. After a lapse of seventeen years, the modern dance “Floating”, starring in music by Deng Lin, composer Zhang Qianyi, once again won the gold medal and won the honor for the motherland.
文章介绍以合理用药为中心,以血药浓度监测为手段,药学工作者如何深入临床为临床工作服务的体会。 This article describes the rational use of drugs as the center to bloo
展览:天人之际II—上海星空  日期:2015/03/17-2015/07/12  地点:余德耀美术(上海)  此番《天人之际》第二回沿着两个互动的维度展开:继续以“神话”与“历史”为核心,来发掘当代艺术创作和叙事中的一些基本倾向和逻辑。其二,在艺术家和作品的选择上,更聚焦于在上海出生和工作的艺术家,展现出当代艺术地域化的历史发展和最新面貌。  作为展览中心主题的“神话”部分,由不同国家艺术家创造
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阳光投下一地斑驳,  闷热的美丽。  梧桐叶款款飘落,  苦涩,却又甜蜜。  夏末秋初夜光点点,  澄澈静谧。  拾一口袋迷途的星,  我好想你。  不愿等残枝萧瑟,  永恒,就要现在。  多年后再见,  剩下的难道只是回忆?  [湖北省武汉外国语学校高一(7)班]
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