
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beanmilk
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Monitor calibration for active heavy ion radiotherapy technique was performed in calibration fields which were created by pencil beams in a spot scanning manner. The spot scanning technique with small pencil beams applied at HIRFL-CSR is based on the measurement of particle numbers by ionization chambers being used as on-line beam monitors. The calibration factor of the beam monitors is defined as particle numbers per monitor unit(MU). According to the theory of radiation dosimetry and the application of electronics,the measurement of particle numbers can be translated in terms of absorbed dose. Monitor calibration for active heavy ion radiotherapy technique was performed in calibration fields which were created by pencil beams in a spot scanning manner. The spot scanning technique with small pencil beams applied at HIRFL-CSR is based on the measurement of particle numbers by ionization chambers being The calibration factor of the beam monitors is defined as particle numbers per monitor unit (MU). According to the theory of radiation dosimetry and the application of electronics, the measurement of particle numbers can be translated in of absorbed dose.
坐飞机的常客都知道,在飞机上和婴儿同座是很痛苦的事情。因为飞机上的密闭空间、无趣的漫长路程和压力的变化,常常会让孩子们扯开最大号的随身音响嚎啕大哭,旁边的我們能不能休息倒在其次,被孩子持续不断的悲嚎一直一直揪着心那真的不是个滋味。  这天上了飞机我就暗自叫苦,飞机满员不说,邻座的就正是一位年轻的母亲抱着个小宝宝,我在飞机上补觉的计划是彻底泡汤了。  失望了一会儿,我还是调整心情朝这萍水相逢的母子俩
以牛粪为发酵原料,在中温(35±2)℃的条件下,采用自行设计的两相厌氧发酵中试装置,在水力停留时间确定的前提下,酸化原料分别以每天、间隔1 d和间隔2 d 3种不同进出料频率加
The present study was performed to evaluate the acute injury in mice caused by 235 MeV/u carbon ions irradiation. In our study, the outbred Kunming mice were ex