
来源 :高考(综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HIT_Happy
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立定三级跳是高校选拔体育人才和高考体育加试的重要项目,它可以在很大程度上发挥下肢力量和相关关节,对于提高身体素质和增强身体柔韧性、力量性、协调性都有很大的帮助。由于其动作难度相对较大,学生掌握相对较困难,所以对立定三级跳的技术要求及动作技巧的研究非常重要。一、改变传统的体育教学形式通过对学生及其体育成绩的调查,我们发现立定跳远的开设对高中阶段的 The establishment of triple jump is an important project for the selection of sports talents and college entrance examinations in colleges and universities. It can exert the strength of lower limbs and related joints to a large extent. It is very good for improving physical fitness and enhancing the body’s flexibility, strength and coordination. Big help. Because of its relatively high difficulty of movement, students are relatively difficult to master. Therefore, it is very important to study the technical requirements and the movement skills of standing and jumping. First, change the traditional form of physical education. Through the investigation of students and their sports performance, we found that the establishment of a standing long jump is for high school students.
一个国家、一个社会,没有文化,就等于没有灵魂,就会失去凝聚力和生命力。 A country, a society, without culture, means that without soul, it will lose its cohesion a
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本文以一节“机械能守恒定律”公开课为例,浅谈物理课堂教学中应注意的几个问题,与同行们交流.  1重理论轻实验  实验是物理之本、理论之源.实验探究和理论推导是物理规律建立的两条基本途径,“以实验为基础,以思维为中心”是物理教学的两条基本原则,由此可见,实验在物理研究和物理教学中的地位所在.因此,在建立物理规律的过程中应该坚持以实验探究为主、理论推导为辅的原则,只有在实验条件不具备的情况下在发挥理论
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