
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robbieqzl
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现代的医院文化建设是在医院文明的基础上,以人为中心,以调动职工积极性为目标,充分挖掘医务人员潜能,运用文化的力量和方式对医院进行管理的一种管理形式。我院在继承和发展医院优良传统的基础上,不断加入新的内容,创造出有利于医院长期发展的文化氛围,为医院在竞争中取得优势奠定了基础。继承和发扬医院优良传统,培养医院文化中的“个性” 徐州市第一人民医院自1935年建院后,历经几十年的风风雨雨,已经形成了带有自己特色的许多与众不同的特点:首先作为红十字医院,“博爱、奉献”的红十字精神经过几代职工的努力已经鲜明地 The modern hospital culture construction is a kind of management form that manages the hospital with the goal of mobilizing the enthusiasm of staff and workers, fully exploiting the potential of medical personnel and using the power and culture of the culture on the basis of the hospital civilization, people-centered. On the basis of inheriting and developing the fine tradition of the hospital, our hospital constantly adds new contents and creates a cultural atmosphere conducive to the long-term development of the hospital, laying a foundation for the hospital to gain advantages in the competition. Inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of the hospital and cultivate the “personality ” in the hospital culture. After the hospital was founded in 1935, Xuzhou First People’s Hospital has experienced decades of ups and downs and has formed many with its own characteristics Different characteristics: First, as the Red Cross hospital, “fraternity, dedication,” the spirit of the Red Cross after several generations of workers efforts have been clearly
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8月下旬的一个晚上,接到小妹电话,言及陈西汀伯伯突然去世。消息是陈伯伯的长子陈为 刚刚打电话告诉她的。放下电话之后,我好长时间愣在那里,一时竟难以相信这消息是真的。我怎
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张剑在新时代琼花的装扮上大胆加入个人的理解和创新,动作神态上处理更加柔美,更赋予新时代气息  7月27日北京时间凌晨6点30分左右,随着从古巴飞往北京的航班缓缓降落在首都国际机场,中央芭蕾舞团成功完成了在古巴为期十多天的巡回演出回到祖国。  这是在中央芭蕾舞团在芭蕾舞剧《红色娘子軍》首演50周年之际的又一次重大巡演,他们和古巴国家芭蕾舞团首次进行了交流合作,在7月22日晚,向正在古巴访问的国家主席
通过 3取代4氨基5巯基1,2,4三唑与卤代烃之间的亲核取代反应合成了 12 种含烷硫(芳硫)基的1,2,4三唑类衍生物,结构经1 H N M R 及元素分析而确证,并对所合成的化合物进行了初步的生
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