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目的:研究颈交感、迷走神经鞘瘤的彩超诊断。材料和方法:收集22例经临床、手术及病理确诊为颈交感16例和迷走6例神经鞘瘤,均行彩超检查。结果:其中7例仅以肿瘤本身的声像图特征为诊断依据者,其术前作出神经鞘瘤诊断的4例,神经鞘瘤可疑、占位病变或淋巴结肿大各1例。无一例能确定神经来源。另15例以动脉、颈内静脉与肿瘤三者间的相关位置作为彩超诊断的根据:发现11例交感神经来源者,颈总(颈内)动脉移位并紧贴于肿瘤的前方至外方,颈内静脉移位于动脉之外后方,靠近动脉或与动脉相距30°-90°。4例迷走神经来源者,颈总(颈内)动脉移位于肿瘤之前内至内后方,颈内静脉与动脉相反方向移位于肿瘤外侧,动静脉相距120°~180°。结论:单纯肿瘤声像图难以区分颈神经鞘瘤,利用颈内动、静脉声像图可助诊断,其中颈内动、静脉-起被推移而相互位置不变或动、静脉相距0~90°内时提示交感神经鞘瘤,动、静脉相距120°~180°时提示迷走神经鞘瘤。 Objective: To study the color Doppler ultrasound diagnosis of cervical sympathetic and vagal schwannomas. Materials and Methods: Twenty-two cases of cervical sympathetic diagnosis and 6 cases of schwannoma diagnosed by clinical, surgical and pathological examinations were collected. Color ultrasonography was performed. RESULTS: Among them, only 7 cases were diagnosed according to the sonographic features of the tumor itself. Four cases of schwannomas were diagnosed before surgery, and one case of suspicious schwannoma, mass lesion, or lymphadenopathy. No case can determine the source of nerves. In the other 15 cases, the correlation between the arteries, internal jugular veins, and tumors was used as the basis for the diagnosis of color Doppler ultrasound: 11 sympathetic nerve originators were found. The total neck (intracervical) artery was displaced and placed in front of the tumor to the outside. The displacement of the internal jugular vein is located behind the artery, close to the artery or 30°-90° from the artery. In 4 cases of vagal nerve origin, the total cervical (intracervical) arteries were located in the medial region to the posterior aspect of the tumor, and the internal jugular veins were located in the lateral direction of the tumor in the opposite direction to the arteries. The arteriovenous distances were 120° to 180° apart. Conclusion: It is difficult to differentiate the cervical schwannoma from the simple tumor sonogram. The sonography of the internal jugular and venous lines can help diagnosis. The internal carotid arteries and veins are pushed up and their positions are unchanged or their motions and veins are separated by 0~90. Symptoms of sympathetic nerve schwannoma are present at the time of in-degree, and vagal schwannomas are present when the arterial and venous distances are 120° to 180° apart.
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本文介绍了应用磁栅计量和微处理机技术,实现布氏、维氏硬度值的各种数据的自动显示和打印。具有功能上的通用性等特点,并解决了人为的读数误差和劳动强度。 This paper int