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其二,材料的作用在于阐明报道主题。写新闻时,取舍材料或详略运用材料都要服从报道主题的需要,应以生动深刻地反映新闻事实为依据。所以,取材要体现报道主题,对新闻素材除了去伪存真之外,还必须进行去粗存精,不能“拾到篮子都当成菜”。有的老记者总结取材的体会曾说过:“新闻报道的主题既然是一篇稿件的灵魂,选材就一定要灵魂附体,即用主题统率材料,同时对材料的取舍和使用材料的详略又必须扣紧报道的主题。毛泽东同志谈到写文章时指出“把材料和观点割断,讲材料的时候没有观点,讲观点的时候 Second, the role of materials is to clarify the subject of the story. When writing news, the choice of materials or the detailed application of materials should obey the needs of the topic of the report and should be based on the vivid and profound reflection of the facts of the news. Therefore, the material should reflect the theme of the report, in addition to the news material to the pseudo-existence, but also must go to the rough deposit, can not “pick up the basket as a dish.” Some old reporters summed up the experience of material has said: “Since the theme of news coverage is the soul of a manuscript, material selection must be the soul possessed, that is, with the theme of the material rate, while material selection and use of materials in detail He must also buckle down the theme of the report. Comrade Mao Tse-tung remarked that when writing an article, he said: ”When we cut down materials and opinions and say no materials,
在初中物理课堂教学中,发现一些学生常常因为概念理解不到位而导致解题出错,教师却因忽视了概念学习对学生解题能力提高的重要性,常常以简单的批评来对待学生,结果学生学习兴趣被削减,学习效率也自然不高。物理概念是学生借以解决问题的基础。因此,在初中物理课堂教学中,物理概念的教学是基础。  要提高物理概念教学的效率,就必须从学生对物理概念的认知规律出发。学生在物理概念学习过程中,首先是认知概念,接着是对概念