Teaching Listening to Preschool Children in Bilingual Education

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  【Abstract】 In this article, I discussed the development of listening skills. Some of the links between the development of listening skills and reading skills were presented. I also showed how young children can be actively engaged in a language class even without speaking. A variety of suggestions for teaching listening skills in the bilingual classroom were provided including a variety of adaptation for using total physical response with children at differing stage of language development.
  【Key words】 listening; Total Physical Response(TPR); young children
  When we talk about language learning, we often talk about the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Some people think that because children do not need to produce sounds when they are listening, that listening is passive. But this is not true. Learners can and should be actively engaged in listening tasks and activities(Cook,2000). There are many ways that children can be actively involved in listening activities and still their mouths closed.
  Listening as a foundation for other skills
  The relationship between listening and speaking is clear because they are both oral skills. By listening, children are preparing to replicate the sounds when they speak. In addition, there are specific listening skills which can lay the foundation for reading instruction because by developing good listening skills, children are able to match the sounds with the corresponding symbols when they decode word. In addition, listening comprehension skills can prepare children to develop reading comprehension skills.
  The development of listening skills
  Teachers of young learners know the importance of teaching children how to listen. This is true for both a first-language and second- or foreign language classroom. As teachers of second- and foreign-language learners, it is useful to consider the listening skills that are taught to children learning English as a first language. For example, a five-year-old native speaker who is not able to listen to and follow simple instructions is probably not going to be ready to learn academic content such as colors, numbers, shapes, days of the week, letters, and sounds. The same holds true for the non-native student. Being able to follow simple instructions is one of the foundation listening readiness skills that get children ready to develop other language skills. The following statements help to summarize how other skills are built on listening.   You need to hear a word before you can say it.
  You need to say a word before you can read it.
  You need to read a word before you can write it.
  Total Physical Response (TPR) activities
  James J. Asher (1977) studied the way very young children acquire language. Asher wondered why very young children were so good at developing language skills when students in college and university classes had so much difficulty. He observed that babies spent the first year of their life just listening to language. He noticed that although infants aren’t speaking, they are still active users of the language because they are physically responding to what has been said.
  Asher took his findings and developed a method which is know as Total Physical Response (TPR). Learners physically respond to oral commands which are given. Learners are expected to respond non-verbally to commands before they are expected to speak. The teacher usually gives an oral command while she demonstrates it. For example, she may jump while she says the word jump. After watching, children begin to respond physically when they hear the word jump by jumping. The learners follow along with the command and only speak when they are ready. When they first begin to speak, they repeat the commands given by the teacher.
  TPR has several positive aspects. First, it utilizes the auditory, visual, and tactile learning channels. The learners listen and watch as the commands are given. Later, the learners have a chance to use all three channels: they listen, watch one another, and do the commands themselves. Second, TPR helps to teach children to follow directions and listen attentively—two important skills for academic success. Third, in keeping with developmentally appropriate notions or thoughts, children are allowed to listen and then choose when they feel comfortable to start speaking. Fourth, this method can easily be adapted in many different ways for young learners.
  There are many different ways that TPR can be used with young learners. For children who are just beginning to study English, a variety of simple one-word commands, such as jump. Stand, wave, wiggle can be used.
  When using TPR with five-, six-, or seven-year-olds, be sure to give only one command at a time. As a teacher of young learners, you need to be aware that some children will have trouble paying attention to multi-step instructions due to their overall development. By waiting until everyone has followed the one instruction which has been given, you are able to keep instructions in the target language. The children are able to more easily link that instructional language with the action.   TPR songs and finger-plays
  TPR can be used with songs and finger-play. Finger-plays are little chants that children say while moving their fingers and /or hands. “Head and Shoulders” is an example of a popular finger-play. At first, you chant the finger-play as the children use their hands and their fingers to point to the correct body parts. After they understand the chant, the children can chant and point the finger-play.
  Example: Head and Shoulders
  Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
  Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
  Eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
  Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
  When adding hand signals and gestures to songs and finger-plays, be sure to use ones that are meaningful to children and show them what they mean. For instance, if you have children row boat, you will either want to draw a picture of a rowboat on the board or show them a picture of a rowboat. Children may delight in creating their own hand signals as their own way of rowing a boat “merrily.”
  In this article, I discuss listening and the teaching of listening as it pertains to young learners. The development of listening skills of young children. Classroom techniques and activities, especially the total physical response(TPR) activities, TPR songs and finger-plays.
  [1] Cook, G. 2000. Language Play, Language Learning. Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press.
  [2] Asher, J. J. 1977. Learning Another Language Through Actions: The Complete Teacher’s Guide Book. Los Gatos, CA: Sky Oaks Productions.
【摘 要】语言是文化的符号,每个民族的文化风貌都由不同的语言记录来体现。汉语是世界上最古老的语言之一,它对促进汉民族文化的发展做出了巨大的贡献。本文重点探讨了民族文化心理对汉语的影响。  【关键词】民族文化;心理;汉语  一、什么是民族文化心理  一个民族在日常生活中所表现出来并以精神文化形式积淀下来的集体性的心理走向和精神状态被称之为民族文化心理。它根植于民族的文化传统中,随着时代的变迁和发展而
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【摘 要】显性和隐性两种认知机制在语言学习中的作用一直是颇具有研究价值的课题。基于两种认知的特性,此研究以90名大二非英语专业的学生为受试,以中国英语学习者语用中常发生语义韵冲突的6个词为目标词,采用隐性知识主观测量标准,并以学生的英语水平为自变量,实证考察了显性/隐性学习对语义韵习得的效果和影响。实验结果揭示了在语义韵习得过程中隐性学习机制不容忽视的作用,不同英语水平的学习者都可以隐性习得语义韵
【摘 要】英语长句,由于修饰成分如短语,从句多,或者有插入语等,有的多达几十词,有的甚至上百词或者更多。翻译这类句子,首先要看清句法结构,找出其中心意思及各层意思,分析其相互关系(如时间顺序,空间位置,原因与结果等),然后按照汉语特点和表达方式,正确地将原文信息传输出来,就达到了目的。千万别被原文句式结构或先后顺序捆绑住手脚而不敢突破。教学中有数法可以利用。一、逆序翻译法;二、顺序翻译法;三、分译
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【Abstract】Multiple-choice (MC) has been widely adopted as an instrument for language testing. Despite attacks on it in recent years, it is now still an important format for many language tests, either
【摘 要】文章通过对猫在日本的历史缘起、在日语中的运用,通过对猫生活习性的了解,以及动漫中猫形象的分析描述。我們不难发现,日本人对猫有一种特殊的感情。作为中国人,我们通过日本动漫了解猫,了解日本人对猫复杂的感情。  【关键词】日本;猫;动漫  引言  提到日本的动漫,想必会有不少人想到《龙猫》(日语:となりのトトロ)吧?影片中的大、中、小龙猫憨态可掬,龙猫巴士更是可以想去哪儿就去哪儿,给人留下无限
【摘 要】语言是人类文化传承的载体,是人类进行社会活动的前提。在当今社会日益全球化的大背景下,它所具有的文化属性日益突显。而大学英语教学中文化内容的失衡导致学生缺乏对中国文化知识的认识,中国文化渗透的缺失制约了学生在跨文化交际中的语言表达,阻碍了学生的跨文化交际能力的发展。因此,如何加强中国文化的渗透成为大学英语跨文化教学亟待解决的问题。  笔者在前人研究的基础上,主要运用本院学生问卷调查和英语教