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解放的时候,我才从医学院毕业五年。十五年来,党帮助我提高政治觉悟,把我培养成一个共产党员;党给我创造了理想的工作条件,帮助我解决工作上的困难,给我许多学习、参观的机会,把我从一个并没有什么技术专长的医生培养成一个外科教授。正是党的培养教育,才使我在政治上、业务上有所进步。十五年来,我只不过是治好一些伤病员;对肝胆管疾病做了一些研究,提出了自己的见解,寻找了几种新的治疗方法;改进了良性直肠狭窄的手术治疗;在放射损伤复合烧伤的治疗研究上取得了一些微小的成绩。这些只不过是我应当做的事情,可是组织上和同志们却连年评选我为先进工作者,多次给我立功授奖,让我出席总后和全军后勤的先进工作者代表大会,中华人民共和国卫生部还曾颁发给我奖章,最近总后首长又给我记一等功的奖励。每当我把自己做的工作同党对我的培养 When I was liberated, I graduated from medical school for five years. In the past fifteen years, the party has helped me to raise my political consciousness and cultivate me into a Communist Party member. The party has created ideal working conditions for me, helped me to solve work difficulties, and gave me many opportunities for learning and visiting. Doctors with no technical expertise develop into a surgical professor. It was the training and education of the party that made me make progress in politics and business. In the past fifteen years, I have cured only a few wounded and sick people; made some studies on hepatobiliary diseases, put forward my own opinions, and looked for several new treatments; improved surgical treatment of benign rectal strictures; The research on the treatment of complex burns has made some minor achievements. These are just things that I should do. However, organizations and comrades have selected me as an advanced worker for many years. I have repeatedly given me meritorious awards, allowing me to attend the General Assembly and the All-Army Logistic Workers’ Congress, the Chinese people. The Ministry of Health of the Republic has also awarded me medals, and the head of the General Department has recently given me a first-class reward. Whenever I put my own work to the party to train me
011001 用机械研磨镍基复合粉末在铸铁表面形成被复层[J].道浦吉贞.铸造工学,2000,72(10):652~656(日) Ni粉和低熔点Ni-P粉混合研磨36KS呈均一状态复合粉徐在铸型壁上,利用铸造时放出的热量在铸铁表层形成耐蚀性良好的富Ni被
A κ- ε -kp muiti-fluid model is stated and adopted to simulate swirling gas-solid two phase flow. A particle-laden flow from a center tube and a swirling air
景天素以0.2g/kg/d给大白鼠连续灌服1周,能显著促进大鼠慢性乙酸型胃溃疡的愈合。 Sedum is continuously fed to rats at a dose of 0.2g/kg/d for 1 week, which can significantly p
我的一位朋友在医校学习期间曾患湿脚气,趾间湿烂,痒得钻心。大夫开了两样药,研末撒在趾间,过半小时左右,痒竟然全消了。毕业后,他 One of my friends suffered from wet a