加强服务和协调 做好互联互通工作

来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowwonsnow
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改革开放以来,我省电信业实现了高速发展,拉动了国民经济的增长。为了进一步加快电信业的发展,打破垄断,鼓励竞争,适应加入 WTO 的需要,国家对邮电行业进行了体制改革。1993年国务院批准成立中国联通公司,可以经营基础电信业务,1994年黑龙江成立了省级分公司,1997年开始剥离寻呼,为了壮大联通,将国信寻呼整建制划入联通。1998年完成邮电分营,邮电部撤消,成立信息产业部,全国从上到下,电信和邮政独立经营,成立了国家邮政局和省邮政局。1999年进行电信重组,将移动从中国电信中分离出来,成立中国移动集团公司,我省成立了黑龙江移动通信公司,是中国移动集团公司的子公司。2000年政企分开,各省将中国电信从省邮电管理局中分出,全国成立中国电信集团公司,我省成立了黑龙江 Since the reform and opening up, the telecom industry in our province has achieved rapid development and stimulated the growth of the national economy. In order to further speed up the development of the telecom industry, break the monopoly, encourage competition and meet the needs of joining the WTO, the state has carried out structural reforms in the post and telecommunications industry. In 1993, the State Council approved the establishment of China Unicom, which could operate basic telecommunications services. In 1994, a provincial branch was established in Heilongjiang Province. In 1997, the company began to divest its paging companies. In order to expand Unicom, the company consolidated the national paging and paging system into China Unicom. In 1998, the postal and telecommunications sub-contractors were completed, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications was revoked, and the Ministry of Information Industry was set up. From top to bottom, the telecommunications and post offices operated independently and set up the State Post Bureau and the Provincial Post Office. Telecom restructuring in 1999, the separation of China Mobile from China Telecom, the establishment of China Mobile Group, the province set up a Heilongjiang Mobile Communications Corporation, China Mobile Group, a subsidiary. In 2000, the government and enterprises were separated. All the provinces separated China Telecom from the provincial post and telecommunications authority. China Telecom Corporation was established nationwide. In our province, Heilongjiang
(专利申请号 :0 2 1182 6 3 9)  往复活塞式六行程发动机是应用于汽车、火车、船舶及工程机械的动力装置。它是将现有四行程发动机的工作过程加以扩展 ,增加进空气和排空气
毕节是黔西北著名的历史重镇,毕节地区历史悠久,文化底蕴厚重。这里的旧石器时代考古名列贵州前茅,这里的夜郎考古全省首屈一指。 Bijie is a famous historic city in nort
结合单片机教学的现状,从课堂教学和实验教学两方面来探讨如何进行单片机教学改革,从而提高学生的动手能力,以此增强学生的竞争力。 According to the current situation of