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杜撰了“编辑导师制”这个词,想对编辑的人才培养问题发表一点谬见。 编辑是个特殊的行当。其特殊性之一便是,走上编辑岗位的人,在此之前对编辑这个专业、这门学问往往不甚了解,甚至对当编辑具体要干些什么一无所知,几乎是处于一张白纸的状态。出版社的编辑队伍每年都要增添不少“新鲜血液”,新编辑十之八九是刚毕业的大学生。他们在大学里学的专业五花八门,中文外文,历史经济,数理化,天地生……每个人专业课和专业基础课都学了不少,唯独没有学过编辑学。一朝进出版社当了编辑,他们面对的是列选、组稿、审稿、加工、读样等等编辑程序,还要作选题调研,图书市场调研,还要发展作者队伍,还要写书评……每个环节都有很深刻、很宽广的学问,几乎抵得上大学里的一门专业课,都需要他们从零开始,认真学习;而他们在大学里学的专业课、专业基础课却派不上什么用场,至少暂时没有多大的用场。就这样,学过的没什么用,要用的都要从头学,自然困难不少。新编辑中还有少数是从作者或业余编辑发展而来的,他们可能对编辑工作已略窥门径,但一旦正式走上编辑岗位,困难仍然不会少。 尽管出版社领导会为新编辑组织一些编辑业务学习,尽管室主任和老编辑有时会在旁指点,但新编辑对编辑这门学问总是从零起步,要靠自己摸索,靠自 I dubbed the term “editing tutorial system” and would like to make a point of presenting my fallacies on the issue of editors’ training. Editing is a special business. One of its particularities is that those who took up editorial positions did not know much about editing this profession until now and they even knew nothing about what the editor wanted to do. White paper state. Publishing editorial team every year to add a lot of “fresh blood”, a new compilation of eighty-nine just graduated college students. They study a wide variety of professional in college, Chinese foreign language, historical economy, mathematical and physical, world health ... ... everyone specialized courses and basic courses have learned a lot, but have not studied editing. Once entered the press as an editor, they are faced with the election process, group draft, review, processing, reading and so on editing program, but also for the title research, book market research, but also the development of the author team, but also Write a book review ... each link has a very profound, very broad knowledge, almost worth of a professional course in college, they need them from scratch, earnestly study; and they study in college professional courses, professional basic course is No use whatsoever, at least temporarily not much useless. In this way, learned no use, to learn from scratch, a lot of natural difficulties. A few of the new editors have evolved from authors or amateur editors who may have had a glimpse of the editorial work, but once they are formally in the editorial position, the difficulties are still small. Although the publishing house leaders organize editorial study for the new editors, the editors and editors sometimes point to the editors, but the new editors always start from scratch and rely on themselves to explore
<正> 祖国医学对白癜风的认识历史悠久,内容丰富。马王堆出土的帛书《五十二病方》为我国现已发现的最古医方,其中“白处”病名是白癜风的最早记载,如“白处方:取灌青,其一名
在传统教学情境中教材是单一的因素,新课改对教学情境提出了新的内涵与要求,要求先思考再进行合作学习,并在此基础上积极主动加入到学习活动中,即任务驱动型学习。 In the t