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今非昔比 在北京市大学生篮球协会主席张健祥的记忆中,1998年春天举行的首届CUBA联 赛北京预选赛就象一部黑白记录片,色彩单调,拍摄手法简单,画面缺少表现力和感 染力。没有赞助商,没有包装和推广,为了节约经费,组委会处处因陋就简,在北京 工商大学的小操场上举行的开幕式完全沿用了学校田径运动会的模式,那些穿着开胶 的回力鞋、褪色的球衣参加比赛的运动员并没有意识到,是他们点燃了CUBA的第一 把火。 2005年11月5日,“李宁杯”第八届CUBA北京预选赛开幕式在北京交通大学体育 馆隆重举行,北京电视台出动国内最先进的数字转播车,现役国手张劲松到场助兴, 来自北京五所高校的学生舞蹈队献上精彩的暖场表演,两千多名观众挤满看台,高亢 激昂的《CUBA之歌》、场地中央醒目的联赛标识以及四周悬挂的宣传横幅立体化地展 示出CUBA积极、健康、充满活力的联赛形象。 “在CUBA这面旗帜的引领下,北京市大学生篮球运动正在呈现出前所未有的大好 局面,”张健祥这样概括“八年巨变”的内因和外力。 In the memory of Zhang Jianxiang, chairman of the Basketball Association of Beijing University Basketball Association, the first CUBA League Beijing qualifying event held in the spring of 1998 was like a black and white documentary with monotonous colors, simple shooting techniques and lack of expressiveness and appeal. No sponsors, no packaging and promotion, in order to save money, the Organizing Committee everywhere for the sake of simplicity, the opening ceremony of the small playground at Beijing Technology and Business University fully followed the pattern of the school track and field, those who wear plastic pull back shoes, faded jerseys Athletes participating in the competition did not realize that they had ignited CUBA’s first fire. On November 5, 2005, the opening ceremony of the “Li Ning Cup” Eighth CUBA Beijing Preliminary Contest was held at the Sports Hall of Beijing Jiaotong University. Beijing Television dispatched the most advanced digital broadcast truck in the country. The active national team Zhang Jinsong arrived at the scene to help the students from five universities in Beijing The dance team of students gave a wonderful warm performance, over 2,000 spectators crowded stands, the hyped song “CUBA”, the striking league logo in the middle of the venue, and the banner banners hanging from the center, demonstrating CUBA’s positive, healthy, Vibrant league image. “Under the banner of CUBA, undergraduate basketball in Beijing is showing an unprecedented good situation,” Zhang Jianxiang summed up the “eight years of great changes” in the internal and external forces.
1月18日,武当山“治世玄岳”石牌坊修缮工程竣工(2004年3月16日动工)。 2月26日,武当山玄岳门、太和宫、南岩宫、紫霄宫、玉虚宫五处全国重点文物保护单位建档工作完成。共完