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  I was tossed around in the back of the ambulance a few times before I thought to fasten my seatbelt as we careened(急驰)down the road. My legs trembled uncontrollably as I felt about boxes of gloves and passed various combinations out to the rest of the crew. Despite my jumpy nerves, I felt a thrill. Here I was, on my first real call after three months of training.
  We pulled up to the scene and I jumped out, feeling official and important at having arrived in such style, I grabbed the necessary bags, thankful that I had at least remembered this. As we approached the patient, we saw the chaotic scene but the two EMTs with me were prepared. One immediately began treating the patient while the other calmed the frantic family. I was asked to give breaths to the patient while an EMT did chest compressions(压缩).
  Nonetheless I agreed, my excitement and nervousness vanishing as I felt the gravity of the situation. This person’s life was in my hands. For the next 20 minutes the EMT and I counted breaths and compressions, occasionally switching positions. We continued administering CPR the whole rough ride to the hospital and I grew increasingly alarmed since the patient was not responding.
  Arriving at the emergency room, we knew it was over. My first call, my first chance to save someone, and I had failed. I was horrified. A perfect stranger had died before my eyes, under my care. The doctors comforted me and though I felt responsible, I soon realized that there was nothing we could have done to change the result. Our CPR technique had been sound but the reality was that the chances of revival after a cardiac arrest(心脏骤停)are very slim.
  As the initial shock wore off, a strong motivation to ride again replaced it. Watching life turn into death is not an easily forgotten experience, but it can breed a thirst to try again and perhaps the next time to save a life. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the chance hasn’t yet happened. The worst call I’ve gotten since that first day is a sprained(扭伤)ankle.
  1. Why was the author both nervous and excited? ______
  A. Because the author was sent to hospital.
  B. Because the author did her first emergency task.
  C. Because the author didn’t fasten her seatbelt.
  D. Because the author was driving the ambulance firstly.
  2. How many people helped to save the patients? ______
  A. Only one.B. Two.
  C. Three.D. Four.
  3. According to the passage the patient______.
  A. came back to life after being give breaths to
  B. was in very safe situations
  C. was in normal situations
  D. was in very dangerous situations
  4. What lesson did the author learn from her first emergency action? ______
  A. Doctors always save people’ lives in any situation.
  B. Patients suffering cardiac arrest are rarely to survive.
  C. Patients suffering cardiac arrest are very likely to survive.
  D. Doctors seldom save people’ lives most cases.
  5. How many serious emergency events have the author go through? ______
  A. Only once.B. Only twice.
  C. Three times.D. None.
  1. 细节推断题,根据第一段最后一句 Here I was, on my first real call after three months of training 可知作者之所以紧张激动,是因为这是她第一次执行急救任务,故正确答案为B。
  2. 细节推断题,根据第二段第二句后半部分 but the two EMTs with me were prepared 可知总共三位人员在帮助挽救这名病人,故正确答案为C。
  3. 细节推断题,根据第三段结尾 I grew increasingly alarmed since the patient was not responding 可知由于病人一直没有反应,作者感到越来越惊慌,由此可以推断病人情况非常危险,故正确答案为D。
  4. 细节理解题,根据文章第四段最后 but the reality was that the chances of revival after a cardiac arrest are very slim 可知患有心脏骤停的病人生还几率是非常低的,故正确答案为B。
  5. 综合推断题,根据第四段 My first call, my first chance to save someone, and I had failed 可知作者第一次执行任务的情况非常危急,根据文章结尾The worst call I’ve gotten since that first day is a sprained ankle 可知自此以后遇到的最严重情况是有人扭伤了踝关节,由此可以推断作者一共经历了一次严重的紧急救援,故正确答案为A。
  It was the thrilling week in the fall all students look forward to: Homecoming. Everyone was excited about spirit days, the bonfire, the big game, and the legendary Homecoming dance. Usually Homecoming isn’t a big deal to me, but this year was going to be one I’d remember.
  The week passed with lots of fun. As the week drew to a close, the dance grew nearer. At first I hadn’t planned on going, but I was persuaded by some girlfriends to join in their festivities. I rummaged through my closet for a lastminute suit and, through reluctantly, arrived at my friend’s house. I was greeted by my beautiful friends with shining smiles; how could they not have dates? We loaded into the car and set off for a Lebanese restaurant.
  The atmosphere in the restaurant was comfortable and romantic; though none of us had dates, it was still a pleasant place for dinner. The food was perfect. We split the bill and continued to the dance. The crisp late September air was buzzing with anticipation. We entered the school gym with its loud music and flashing lights. I wasn’t (and still am not) much of a dancer, but I did my best and had fun at the same time. Loads of people crowded in the gym, making the temperature rise. On several occasions, my friends and I took breaks in the hall to cool down.
  Eventually, the dance was coming to a close. The final song began — a slow song. I thought, Okay. The dance was over. It’s time to go home. Then, unexpectedly, I felt a soft tap on my arm. It was a guy I recognized from our crosscountry team. I barely knew him, but here he was asking me to dance. I obliged.
  It was an inspiring experience since it was the first time someone had asked me to dance. That led to getting to know that guy better, and I eventually asked him to the Sadie Hawkins dance later in the year. He’s one of those people who are a joy to know, and I am so happy that this dance brought him into my life.
  1. It can be inferred that homecoming______.
  A. usually occurs at the end of a year
  B. usually occurs at the beginning of a year
  C. is usually filled with deferent interesting
  D. is a seasonal holiday for students to go home
  2. The underlined word“rummage” means ______.
  A. look over carelessly
  B. look over carefully
  C. do careful research
  D. do careless research
  3. Where was the ball held? ______
  A. In Lebanese restaurant.
  B. On the playground of the school.
  C. In the dinning hall of the school.
  D. In the school gymnasium.
  4. Who asked the author to dance before the dance was over? ______
  A. A rarelyknown foreign student.
  B. One of the author’s former friends.
  C. A complete stranger.
  D. One of the author’s relatives.
  5. After the ball, the author was______.
  A. no longer in contact with her dance
  B. getting well along with her dancer
  C. gradually sick of her dancer partner
  D. famous for her best dancing skill
  1. 细节推断题,根据第一段第一句可以排除选项A、B;根据第二句 Everyone was excited about spirit days, the bonfire, the big game, and the legendary Homecoming dance 可知该节日中充满很多有趣的活动,故正确答案为C。
  2. 猜测词义题,根据下文 my closet for a lastminute suit… 可知作者是翻箱倒柜寻找去朋友家参加舞会的衣服,故正确答案为B。
  3. 细节推断题,根据第三段第四句We entered the school gym with its loud music and flashing lights.可知作者进入了音乐喧嚣的学校体育馆,接下来又谈到跳舞,由此可以推断舞会是在学校体育馆中举行的,故正确答案为D。
  4. 细节理解题,根据第四段倒数第二三句 It was a guy I recognized from our crosscountry team. I barely knew him… 可知邀请作者的是一位并不太熟悉的外国留学生,故正确答案为A。
  5. 综合推断题,根据文章最后一段可知后来作者又和这位舞伴去跳舞,结尾又谈到 He’s one of those people who are a joy to know, and I am so happy that this dance brought him into my life,由此可以断定作者与这位舞伴相处得很融洽,故正确答案为B。
  责任编辑 李婷婷
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