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为了巩固棉纺压锭成果,2000年6月国发办2000(40号)文件出台,这项政策在后来通常被称做“压改政策”,核心内容是实施“总量控制、以旧换新,限制棉纺新增能力”。 紧接着,由于该项政策的管理部门变更,2001年3月国经委285号文件出台,内容则是对之前40号文件的再次强调。两个实质相同的文件与98年的“压锭政策”相比,主要的不同体现在了“以旧换新”——“购买棉纺细纱机只能用于企业的更新改造,必须报废销毁相应的落后生产能力,进口棉纺细纱机只能用于更新改造,不得新增生产能力。” 2000年开始,中国纺织行业进入了一个全新的发展时期,产业升级、技术进步、产业结构调整成为棉纺业迫切追求的发展目标。这项促进“以旧换新”的产业政策对产业升级的确有一定的推动作用,但同时,我们也看到了相互矛盾的一些事实:一方面政策上审批把关,目的限制新增能力控制总量,对企业严格要求“不砸旧锭子,就不能上新锭子”;一方面却是纺织行业在4年当中,新增能力总量增加了上千万锭,民营企业迅速扩张。 这一相互矛盾的事实清楚地表明,这一次产业上“总量控制”的政策失灵了。为什么当同样的政策在对纺织行业的发展产生巨大的积极作用之后,不再能够继续显灵呢?答案只有一个,时间,环境,市场一切都变了,具有平衡能力的市场需求, In order to consolidate the achievements of cotton spindling, the document 2000 (No. 40) issued by the State Council in June 2000 was promulgated. This policy was later commonly referred to as “the policy of pressured reforms”. The core content of the policy was to implement “total control, trade-in, Increased ability. ” Then, as a result of the change of the administrative department of this policy, the State Economic Commission’s No. 285 document issued in March 2001 set out to re-emphasize the previous No. 40 document. The two main differences between the two documents of the same nature and the 1998 “Policy on Inflation” are mainly embodied in the “trade-in” - “The purchase of cotton spinning machines can only be used for the renovation of enterprises. The corresponding backward production capacity must be scrapped and destroyed , Imported cotton spinning machine can only be used for renovation, shall not add new production capacity. ”Since 2000, China’s textile industry has entered a new period of development, industrial upgrading, technological progress, industrial restructuring has become the urgent pursuit of the development of the cotton industry aims. The industrial policy of promoting “trade-in” does promote the industrial upgrading. At the same time, we also see some contradictory facts: on the one hand, policy checks and grasps, the purpose of limiting the total amount of new capacity control, Strict requirements “do not smash the old spindle, you can not on the new spindle”; on the one hand it is the textile industry in the past four years, the total added capacity increased by 10 million, the rapid expansion of private enterprises. This contradictory fact clearly shows that this time the “total control” policy in the industry has failed. Why the same policy can no longer continue to manifest itself when it exerts a tremendous positive influence on the development of the textile industry? There is only one answer to this question: time, environment, and markets have all changed, and market demand with a balance of power,
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