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食物及饮料入口后,味物须在舌头上皮的味蕾,味细胞,味受体相互作用,遂产生特定的味原初感觉。随着由感觉神经传达到大脑。再经神经系统综合及整理,最后得到味知觉。如鲜美,醇厚,粗糙等。这就是味觉发生到传导的基本过程。口腔中感受的味,事实上是感受于大脑,最后只不过应答于口腔中而已。 After the entrance of food and beverage, the taste must be in the tongue epithelial taste buds, taste cells, taste receptor interaction, then produce a particular flavor of the original feeling. With the sensory nerve transmitted to the brain. Then by the nervous system synthesis and finishing, and finally get the taste perception. Such as delicious, mellow, rough and so on. This is the basic process from the onset of taste to conduction. Mouth feel the taste, in fact, is felt in the brain, and finally only respond to the oral cavity only.
研究认为,穗花牡荆(Vitex agnus-castus)果实的乙醇提取物(Vitex)具有杀伤细胞的作用,可诱导数种人癌细胞凋亡。本次探讨了Vitex诱导细胞凋亡的机制。 方法:用Vitex处理人
目的 评价煤矿截瘫患者康复期两种管理模式的效率.方法 横断面抽样调查,应用成本效果分析方法评价两种管理模式的效率.结果 集中管理的病人泌尿系感染和褥疮的年累加时间均大于分散式管理的病人.分散式管理的病人的生活质量高于集中式管理的患者.集中式管理的直接经济负担比分散式管理多2倍.分散式管理的费用主要是病人的工资和护理费,共占49.92%.分散式管理的效率是集中式管理的2.52倍,家人护理的效率分别是
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方法:WiDr细胞在含有黄芩苷元的10% FCS/MEM培养基中培养3d,用alamar蓝检测抑制细胞增殖的作用。为了探讨增殖抑制时的细胞损害以及细胞凋亡,检测LDH活性,并经Hoechst 33342
Jack is a bachelor (单身汉). He works in downtown Chicago as a shoe salesman. Every morning on his way to work, Jack stops at a bread shop and buys some chocolate bread and a cup of coffee. Jack likes to
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