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“我简直要把自己逼疯了,”帕特·迈尔斯向她的女儿安妮承认。为了治疗影响视力和精力的太阳穴动脉炎,帕特被迫足不出户已经有一年了。寡居的帕特有两个孩子,并且都结了婚,她一直开心经营着一家服装连锁店。但是现在她不得不放弃生意,她的家开始令人感到寂寞和空虚。最后,她向安妮 “I just wanted to drive myself crazy,” Pat Myers admitted to her daughter Annie. In order to treat the temple arteries affecting eyesight and energy, Pat was forced to stay at home for a year. The widowed Pat has two children and both are married. She has been happy to run a clothing chain. But now she has to give up her business and her home begins to feel lonely and empty. Finally, she went to Annie.
Chinglish,no way 1 他说话不算数,经常食言。误:He is always eating his words.正:He is always breaking his word. Chinglish, no way 1 He doesn’t speak very well,
一天,在上下班的高峰期,乔治·席林(美国爵士乐钢琴演奏家和作曲家,盲人)站在曼哈顿一个车流量非常大的十字路口,等待有人过来帮助他过马路。 One day, at the peak of comm
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“All the kids make fun of me,” the boy cried tohis mother. “They say I have a big head.”“Don’ t listen to them, ” his mother consoled. “Youhave a beaut
一位男士:我结婚是因为我已厌倦了上餐馆吃饭,自己洗衣服,穿有洞的衣服。另一位男士:真有意思!我离婚也是因为同样的原因。 A man: I was married because I was tired of