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环氧氯丙烷作为我国短缺产品,近年来虽然国内生产能力形成一定规模,但由于其下游行业发展迅猛,因此仍呈供不应求的总体格局。专家预测,这种趋势将延续下去。 目前国内市场环氧氯丙烷的消费结构为:环氧树脂85%,合成甘油7%,氯醇橡胶2%,其它6%。环氧树脂作为环氧氯丙烷的主要消费领域,广泛用于涂料、电子电气、电机、汽车、胶粘剂、复合材料等领域,随着这些领域的发展,需求增长很快。预计今年环氧树脂对环氧氯丙烷的需求将增长30%左右, As a shortage product of our country, although epichlorohydrin has formed a certain scale in domestic production capacity in recent years, due to the rapid development of its downstream industries, it still presents a general pattern of in short supply. Experts predict that this trend will continue. At present, the consumption structure of epichlorohydrin in the domestic market is as follows: 85% of epoxy resin, 7% of synthetic glycerin, 2% of epichlorohydrin rubber and the other 6%. As the main consumption area of ​​epichlorohydrin, epoxy resin is widely used in the fields of coating, electrical and electronics, motor, automobile, adhesive and composite materials. With the development in these fields, the demand is growing rapidly. Epoxy resin is expected this year, the demand for epichlorohydrin will grow by about 30%
Background Previous studies have shown that resveratrol increases endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) numbers and functional activity.Increased EPC numbers and
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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and often fatal form of interstitial lung disease.Despite extensive efforts in research during recent years
国家高技术产业化示范工程项目年产800吨钴酸锂生产线,将于年底在云南省个旧市建成,将填补我国在锂电池材料行业的空白。 个旧圣比和科技有限公司研发投资的这一项目,具有自