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走进嵩山中学初三(1)班的教室,一股青春气息扑鼻而来,“我爱我的集体”、“班史”、“社会实践考察报告”、“送温暖”、“学习病历卡”……琳琅满目,使人目不暇接。一本本小册子使我看到了初三(1)班走过的路程中所留下的脚印,透过那坚实的脚印,我看到了一个团结、和谐、向上的班集体,于是我来到了他们中间。坐标,是确定一个点在空间的位置。不同的定位,所产生的效应也是完全不同的。张寿芳的定位是——不离开孩子们,不离开三尺讲坛,永远,永远…… Into the Songshan Middle School Class III (1) class classroom, an youthful smell, “I love my group,” “History of Class”, “Social Practice Review Report”, “send warm,” “learning medical records ”... ... dazzling, dizzying. A booklet made me see the footprints left by the first three (1) classes. Through that solid footprints, I saw a group of people who are united, harmonious and progressive, so I came to them intermediate. The coordinates, is to determine the position of a point in space. Different positioning, the resulting effect is completely different. Zhang Shoufang’s position is - do not leave the children, do not leave the three feet pulpit, forever, forever ...
  Breast cancer has now become the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women, both in developed and developing countries.After increasing for decades, breast
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  Women at increased risk of breast cancer (BC) are largely not accepting of chemoprevention therapies (CPT).A validated instrument of behavioral constructs w
  The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is overexpresed in 25-30% of all human invasive breast cancer.Overexpression of this receptor is associa
  Perillyl alcohol (POH) is a monoterpene that has been used orally for the treatment of systemic cancer, based on its mechanism of action as a ras inhibitor
  Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in females between the age of 40 to 50 in the Western world.Iccreased lifetime exposure to estrogens, particular