案件小如芥末之微,却一波三折耐人寻味。 两农民发生纠纷,卢绍雄抓住马万全的头发将他推倒,马从1.5米高的斜坡滚下去造成短暂昏迷,医生诊断无异常。回家后,可生产、生活,还有诸如替人说媒一类的社会活动。135天以后,某医生给他作了一个“器质性精神障碍”的鉴定,马万全从此表现出了忧郁型精神病人和瘫痪病人兼有的症状,不能劳动,生活不能自理,形同废人。 据此,思南县人民法院以伤害罪一审判处被告卢绍雄有期徒刑15年,附带民事赔偿3133.85元。
The case is as small as mustard, but twists and turns thought-provoking. In the dispute between the two peasants, Lu Shaoxiong seized Ma Wanquan’s hair and pushed him down. The horse rolled down from the 1.5-meter-high slope and caused a brief coma, and the doctor diagnosed no abnormalities. After returning home, you can produce, live, and social activities such as social media. 135 days later, a doctor made him an “organic mental disorder” appraisal. From this, Ma Wanquan showed the symptoms of both melancholy mental patients and paralyzed patients. He could not work, his life could not take care of himself, and wasted people. Accordingly, Sinan County People’s Court sentenced the defendant Lu Shaoxiong to first instance of injury for 15 years in prison, with civil compensation of 3133.85 yuan.