
来源 :党史博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hz_0752
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《党史博览》杂志1994年第5期上发表了狼牙山五壮士之一宋学义生前的回忆录《难忘的狼牙山战斗》。文章发表后,我们意外地发现了当年救援生还二壮士葛振林和宋学义的“穿便衣的地方干部”(宋学义生前多次提到跳崖后受到一个穿便衣的地方干部的救助)。他,就是祖籍狼牙山区、原河北师范大学党委常委、副校长、离休老干部余药夫。经过同余老多次接触,他为我们详细介绍了著名狼牙山战斗之后的一段鲜为人知的史实,同时还澄清了近年误传颇广的“狼牙山上有六人”的谬传。 In the fifth issue of “History of the Party” magazine, it published the memoir “Unforgettable Langya Mountain Battle” written by Song Xueyi, one of the five mighty spirits of Langya Mountain. After the article was published, we accidentally discovered the “local cadres wearing plain clothes” (Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi), who rescued survivors and survivors. (Song Xinyi repeatedly referred to the cliff before receiving assistance from a local cadre in plain clothes). He is the ancestral home Langya Mountain, former Hebei Normal University Party committee member, vice president, veteran retired cadres Yufu. After many contacts with the remnant, he made a detailed introduction of a little-known historical fact after the battle of the famous Langya Mountain, and also clarified the fallacious rumor of “misconception” that there are six people in Langya Mountain in recent years.
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许世友没读过书,但却写了三部著作‘我毛泽东是文人,没有你这员武将,一个巴掌拍不响噢’‘单用鼻子闻,认不出好菜。光发暴脾气,交不到好朋友’ Xu Shiyou has not read the
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调进中南海 1953年7月20日,在朝鲜半岛硝烟飘散的暂时宁和之中,中央军委的一份调令,从新中国的首都北京,秘密递送至落址于南京的华东军区政治部。 军委的调令要求华东军区选
胸襟博大、不记前嫌 在周恩来的心中,国家利益,民族利益是第一位的,而自己的荣辱得失则从不计较。国民党中央组织部副部长兼中央统计局干事长的张冲,曾于1932年2月炮制了所
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