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笔者认为,职工教师如何围绕经济建设,挖掘自身潜力,转轨变型,是职工教育的一项重要研究课题。现仅就转轨变型进行探讨和研究。一、围绕经济建设转轨变型,提高“三个”能力依靠科技进步,提高劳动者素质,已经摆在发展经济战略的重点位置。这就从客观上给职工教师提出了非常紧迫的任务,要紧密围绕经济建设,不断扩展知识,提高技能,保持知识结构的先进性,从而提高竞争能力、应变能力和实践能力。1.掌握先进科学技术,提高竞争能力。邓小平同志提出“科学技术是第一生产力”是英明的论断,是为生产实践验证了的。目前,在新技术革命浪潮的冲击下,知识老化周期缩短,大量科学知识急剧增加。19世纪,每50年增加一倍;20世纪中叶,每30年增加一倍;以后每10年增加一倍,到70年代,每5年增加一倍。科学 The author believes that how the staff and workers around the economic construction, tap their potential, transitional changes, is an important issue of employee education. Now only on the transition to explore and study. I. Focusing on the transformation of economic construction and improving the capabilities of the “three” relying on scientific and technological progress and improving the quality of laborers, it has been placed at a key position in the development of economic strategy. This objectively gives the teachers and teachers a very urgent task. They should closely focus on economic construction, continuously expand knowledge, improve skills and maintain the advanced nature of the knowledge structure so as to enhance their competitiveness, adaptability and practical ability. 1. Master advanced science and technology, improve competitiveness. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that “science and technology are the primary productive forces” is a wise conclusion and is validated in production practice. At present, under the impact of the wave of new technological revolution, the knowledge aging cycle is shortened and a great deal of scientific knowledge is drastically increased. Doubled every 50 years in the 19th century; doubled every 30 years in the mid-20th century; doubled every 10 years thereafter and doubled every 5 years by the 1970s. science
The 0.8 MeV copper(Cu) ion beam irradiation-induced effects on structural,morphological and optical properties of tin dioxide nanowires(SnO_2 NWs) are investiga
在调查研究中发现 ,目前普通高中历史教学存在着一种偏向 ,就是一二年级教师多忽视教学之间的联系 ,而陷入某一阶段章节内容的窠臼之中 ,导致本来连续不断的历史支离破碎 ,精
在实际工作中遇到远程控制问题,根据具体情况和现有的电话实现了远程控制,本文总结了远程控制的设计、安装和调试的具体做法。 In the actual work encountered remote cont