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我国在新的历史时期进行着一场旨在推进社会生产力大发展的伟大经济体制改革中,发展社会主义商品经济。这就提出了一个理论问题:马克思曾指出资本主义是商品经济发展的最高峰即最高阶段,那么社会主义商品经济能不能发展到最高阶段?我认为,社会主义也是商品经济发展的最高阶段,而不独为资本主义才是商品经济发展的最高阶段。否则,就难能理解当今世界两种不同社会制度并存和竞相发展商品经济的现状。 社会经济形式是由自然经济、商品经济到产品经济发展的历史过程,它一般同生产力发展的一定历史阶段相联系,前一种经济形式发展到最高阶段,将由后一种高级形式所代替。但是,经济形式并不完全严格地同历史发展一定阶段的社会制度相对应。因为在整个经济形式中商品经济处于承前启后的地位,在一定程度上适应不同生产力发展水平和生产关系的一种最活跃的经济形式。在原始社会末期随着生产力发展和社会分工及私有制的出现,便产生 In the new historical period, our country carried out a great economic system reform aimed at promoting the development of social productive forces and developing a socialist commodity economy. This raises a theoretical question: Marx once pointed out that capitalism is the highest stage in the development of commodity economy, that is, the highest stage. Can the socialist commodity economy develop to the highest stage? I think that socialism is also the highest stage of commodity economy development. Not only capitalism is the highest stage of the development of commodity economy. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand the current state of coexistence and competing development of commodity economy in two different social systems in the world today. The socio-economic form is a historical process from natural economy, commodity economy to product economy development. It is generally associated with a certain historical stage of the development of productive forces. The former economic form develops to the highest stage and will be replaced by the latter. However, the economic form does not exactly correspond to the social system at a certain stage of historical development. Because in the entire economic form, the commodity economy is in the position of inheriting the past and adapting to the past, and it adapts to a certain degree the most active economic form of different levels of productivity and production relations. At the end of the primitive society, with the development of productivity and the emergence of social division of labor and private ownership,
摘 要:在小学语文教学中,培养小学生的创新意识和创新思维,需要教師和学生共同努力。本文主要讲述在教学中,如何培养学生自主创新的能力,并阐述培养创新能力的重要性。  关键词:小学语文;创新能力;培养学生  一个国家的发展与学生的进步分不开,需要学生不断地努力学习和创新。学生不能只学书本上的知识,更不要迷信,要相信科学,相信知识的力量,在提高自己学习能力的同时要做到独立思考,提出新的观点。打破小学语文
素质教育的重点是培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。但当前的教学目标中只写明要培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,而不注重培养学生发现问题的能力,这就不可能有创新。 The