
来源 :中国临床研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CoolSky_BO
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社会经济的发展,企业经营机制的改革对职工健康素质的要求日益提高,职工对健康的需求随着科技进步,卫生知识的普及也在日益发生变化。以天津市汽车工业公司下属50多个企业而言,企业目前所提供的医疗保健服务的方式既不能保证企业发展的需要,也不能满足企业职工对健康的需求。在多数企业医药费超支的情况下,医疗过程中的浪费(如重复取药、重复检查、超前消费等)和预防保健经费投入不足已成为亟待解决的社会问题。为了充分利用有限的卫生资源开发最大的效益,根据市政府、市卫生局有关文件精神,确立开展企业初级卫生保健(PHC),以提高企业人群健康素质作为企业医疗保健工作的总目标。这不仅符合企业经济体制改革的需要,也和卫生工作改革,贯彻预防为主的方针是一致的。我们选择企业领导重视职工健康,预防保健工 With the development of social economy and the reform of the enterprise management mechanism, the requirements for the quality of employees’ health have been increasing. The demand for health of workers has been changing with the advancement of science and technology. With regard to more than 50 enterprises affiliated with Tianjin Automobile Industry Co., Ltd., the medical and health care services currently provided by the company can neither guarantee the needs of the company’s development nor meet the health needs of the company’s employees. In the case of over-expenditure of medical expenses of most enterprises, waste in the medical process (such as repeated drug taking, repeated inspections, advance consumption, etc.) and inadequate investment in preventive health care have become social problems that need to be resolved. In order to make full use of limited health resources to develop maximum benefits, according to the spirit of relevant documents of the municipal government and the Municipal Health Bureau, the establishment of the company’s primary health care (PHC) to improve the health quality of the corporate population as the overall goal of corporate health care work. This is not only in line with the needs of the enterprise economic system reform, but also consistent with the reform of the health work and implementing the principle of prevention. We choose corporate leaders to pay attention to the health of employees and prevent workers
有人说朔门街是温州市区最文艺的一条小街了。在这里,星罗棋布着各种消磨时光的小店,一点点怀旧,一点点小资,一点点个性,又时不时地蹦出一些引领温州新时尚的“小先锋”。 S